
Moments like these, when the universe somehow conspires to put some homophobic, transphobic jackwagon in the right place to be crushed by a strong, beautiful trans woman like Danica Roem, almost makes me want to believe that there is a purpose or pattern behind all of the painful, random shit that makes up existence.

But what about the safety of the kids in the bathrooms????

But you know they’ll only be gun control when radical leftists start firing shit off.

It was daylight so there’s no obvious muzzle flashes. In the open, the sound dissipates quickly so it can be almost impossible to tell by ear what direction the firing is coming from. Ask any combat veteran - a lot of times you don’t even know you’re under fire unless you see someone else hit.

20 dead kids didn’t get us some gun control, you’re nuts if you think this is gonna do a goddamn thing.

With an assault semi-auto modern sporting rifle, you can put out 20 shots in less than 10 seconds, especially if aiming at a group of people rather than a bullseye target. 10 seconds to realize there’s an issue, determine what and where the threat is, and then return fire is pretty good.

I’ve unloaded 30 round magazines in semi auto rifles in under 5 seconds before. I’m not saying it’s accurate. I’m just saying it’s possible that it takes that long to react.

That moment already passed with Sandy Hook.

  • My initial reaction: “Oh god, I hope the shooter wasn’t black, Latino, or Muslim.

This won’t get any gun control. If a classroom of dead children was met with a shrug so will this.

Of course, that’s also what they said about Obama, that it was too soon. Harris is a terrific public speaker and a progressive, and she’s fierce and formidable. I think if she embraced an economic populist message along with the rest of her arsenal of progressive and fierce stances, with a long history of principled

I know it’s incredibly self-centered, but I don’t know that I’m ready for what they’ll try to do to her in a presidential campaign.

Yep. Voted for her. Have high hopes.

She’s my homegirl. I love her so, so fucking much.

...I honestly don’t want her to try in 2020.

I suspect little will actually come of these hearings, because no way is Congress going to impeach Trump, but one of the more important functions may be to give various Democratic Senators some air time so that the public can get to know them.

I’ve been saying Kamala Harris 2020 since before the 2016 election was even over. She’s awesome. I hope she’s president someday.

Listened to 45 min of this including the Sen. Harris part. Just listening to Sessions makes me need a nuclear hot shower to try and get the ick off me.

Thank you so much for your courageous journalism. Also: