
In the video he at least claimed to look online, and said he couldn’t find anything for Pitfall! and only found a very low-res, blocky photo of the WrestleMania art.

But of course, anyone who watches his stuff know that he’s as much of an artist of sorts as he is a restoration guy. He obviously got a lot of joy out of

I don’t care what someone does for their own private collection. A few making it out in the wild that are restored this way aren’t a big deal. If you own something, do whatever the hell you want with it.

He is a narcissistic personality and thus is incapable of ever admitting he was wrong. even his joke never says he was wrong. So I am not surprised that simply saying hey I meant coverage is beyond Cheetolini.

Spicer on ‘covfefe’ tweet: “The president and a small group of people know exactly what he meant.”

I’m actually surprised at how rarely you guys go in on Barstool. I hope you keep at it.

These people should look at his team. A bunch of white boys.

I missed the race. But as a Paul Tracy fan, watching Helio & Roger miss winning another 500 warms the cockles of my heart. Congrats to Sato. And “eff” that Denver Post reporter.

I can picture him at somewhere more quiet like McSorley’s with other officers, swapping “in my day” stories and generally being old-guy cool.

Every year I am so very happy for the sailors that get to come for Fleet Week. Omg.

The look on the master chief’s face - “Exactly what am I doing here with a bunch of junior enlisted and middies?!” - is by far my favorite, and I’d bet decent money will be a staple of the chief’s mess for months.

Well, we know that, of course! In fact, as loudly and ignorantly as GOPers bray about loving the country so much more than ‘PANSY ASS LIBTARD LIBRULS!’, it’s Democrats who truly stand by the principles the country was supposedly built upon. Why? Because we’re cool with people who are different, and we aren’t

the party has the image of being made up of illegal immigrants, welfare cheats, wimpy college types who get hurt too easily, and rich, boorish actors who moisturize their faces with the sweat of the common working person.

I’m in favor of this. Fuck it. Let some of these trumpenfluffers feel the pain they’ve been trying to inflict on everyone else.

Love this! And I love how great Lynda Carter looks. Because of her, I tracked down adult Underoos just so I could be Wonder Woman under my clothes once again, lol.

Jeff Koons doesn’t care if you know it or not.

OK, but you also know that employers don’t necessarily have to punish you openly to punish you.

Don’t forgive the early voters; he was still a creationist who believes that dinosaurs died in the Noah’s Ark flood :/

I know, early voting yada yada, but this country and its voters just fill me with despair and disgust.

the only video we’ve seen of him actually driving shows him behind the wheel of a Rolls Royce, which is built by German company BMW.

48 percent is still infuriatingly embarrassing for the US. I would be embarrassed at 28 percent.