
cry more

What is the point of a comment and notification system if the notification does not send you to someone’s reply? How does this allow discussion?

The latter two shows are not supposed to be fun (im not familiar with Dexter)

A ship named Voyager was mentioned by name a couple times. Was it ever shown in the battle? It was hard to focus

I had to look up who Bryce is

indeed. It was pretty obvious.

It was not until this episode I learned that the nacelles aren’t attached?

omg thank you. His build up and then delivery of “my entire life is on that planet” gaves me the best/worst chills. I actually watched the moment twice.

I don’t even remember the little robots being introduced, aside from the opening and some tracking shots

Those Old Scientists!

Because Picard and Below Decks Seasons 1 exist?

The Orville would like a word with you

Did I miss the introduction of those little robots? I know they’re in the intro and have been seen in passing, but I feel like no one talked about them until this deus ex machine

Watch The Good Place, jfc...

Saru appears as Human so we can see Doug Jones without prosthetics, a rarity, and he still nails the alien-ness.

Even MS Teams has figured this out

wait so when I click on a notification it goes to the article itself and not the comment? How does this encourage dialogue? a sequel?

Hope Joe sees this, bro.

the asshole from NewsRadio? No, not the one who got Phil Hartman murdered, the other one?