well, yeah, they Boim up.
well, yeah, they Boim up.
Taiwan is a country. What am I missing?
lol...as though cities give a shit about non-vehicular traffic.
I’ll bite. It’s not genocide. What would you consider the corralling of a people for bombing and control? Is it a positive thing?
Because it generates clicks and other engagement. Like this. Most of the people complaining about being “canceled” still have careers, doing the same thing they were doing before.
XD. Don’t post while high. Or only post while high. I’m not sure what the lesson here is.
Holy crap that’s some error, and thank you for properly lambasting me.
For a film being crap/unwatchable, isn’t the more obvious answer is that it was done by Zack Snyder
nobody actually thinks cancel culture is real
additionally, referring to Kevin Hart as a “comedian” is stretching things a bit to begin with.
“ Hopefully, Rogen can help change the minds of some people who fear reckoning with harmful jokes.”
They are forced to live in a ghetto, are routinely bombed, and Israel has a strict embargo on them (including cement for the aforementioned bombed buildings)
It also definitely suffers with “Kevin Spacey grooming a young man”
ok but Israel forced the Palestinians into a ghetto and routinely bomb it, so maybe it is genocide?
the fuck is a powerpaint girl?
who the fuck is Barry Keoghan?
no, ya don’t.