
I finished Gotham yesterday. It was good.

I started Lucifer before known it was a comic adaptation, and thought it was fun. 

holy shit, this is still running?

I would suggest “Isle of Dogs”.  It’s wonderful.

looked better on Henry Cavill

not here?

+1000 both he, and Sean Pertwee’s Alfred, are my brains default for this characters.

Bullock is everything. A line he had in S1 still sticks with me, and I’ve used it a couple times IRL:  “That is above my pay grade, and below my sense of wonder”

And NoHo Hank manages to surpass even Zsasz. Anythony Carrigan is a brilliant actor.

ah, yes, well I own neither comics, nor tattoos, so my thoughts are worthless., i’d just jerk off instead.

y’all couldn’t even be arsed to half-ass the best and final season of this show, and now you shit on the finale.

who thought it was?


jfc, how can you stand Wheel?

lol, go clean a COVID ward with your toungue, you shit.

I mean, it’s certainly not Oz.  He should walk into the sea and never be heard from again.

Red Smalls?

So, despite your many issues, you should have none with alternate canon.

The show exists in it’s own continuity, as all adaptations do. I don’t see why this concept is so difficult to grasp for so many.