ok, but PCs also have word processors.
ok, but PCs also have word processors.
Has he, or any other Mac user with this complaint considered....not buying a Mac?
“Notably, Boyce and Perry are both included in the Oscars’ online “In Memoriam” 163-slide show, while the televised segment usually hovers around 50 names mentioned.”
What the fuck is wrong with that man?
I’m confused by his chin. It’s so pointy, and then he also has the square jaw thing.
I’m a Californian, and I was cheated out of my chance to vote for Kamala in the primary.
Psalm....? Psalm.
You can get a bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich 24hrs/day from any Jack-in-the-Box...surely those exist in or near DC?
found the pizza cutter, honey. It was in the junk drawer.
wElL, tHaT’s A vErY oFfEnSiVe WaY tO pUt It
We already know QT is a humorless prick.
anyway, eat shit and die
whattaya think I am, dumb or somethin?
how many people know, offhand, that Pitchfork media is located at 1 WTC.
I’ll be honest, I didn’t realize Sen. Klobuchar was still running.
Does anybody outside of comic strips actually give a shit about groundhog day?
Supreme is pretty dumbass nonsenses to begin with. I’m fine with burning their shit.
You missed a hell of a game