
“(and previous-er hosts like Aisha Tyler, Hal Sparks, and Greg Kinnear when it was called Talk Soup)“

Right? I love her music and no-fucks-given style. Bummed me when she started dating Elon because it was all going to be the “JJ Watt’s fiancee” bullshit.

got it, thanks.

You guys do, for the clicks.

so does that mean FX Now or what have you is going away?

Working on a TV show is far harder than whatever “work” it is a Royal does.

You know we fought a couple wars to not have to give a fuck about the British Royal Family, right?

on the other hand, eat shit and die.

Of course it’s not Nicki Minaj.  It’s a wax statute.  Does happen to resemble Nicki Minaj, though.

Die Hard, Knives Out, and finishing off S3 of Mrs. Maisel.   I don’t get to the movies nearly often enough.

yeah, I realized that as I was typing it.  I was at my folks house this weekend watching the playoffs and it came up.

There is no such thing as ethical consumption in end-stage capitalism.  That’s the point of The Good Place, btw.

I’d knot heard of it before my paretn’s saw the movie, but was anyone read John Grisham’s “Sycamore Row”. The premise is pretty similar to Knives Out (old patriach suicide, holographic will giving everything to the maid, shitty extended family). That book is from 2013, but I’m guessing it’d been done before as well.

same ones who asked for Roseanne and Fuller House, I imagine.  Idiots.

You’re gonna go apeshit when I finally watch Breaking Bad, person who comments on my post 3 months later

“What I was always looking for was this cubist, intuitive, emotional, intellectual kaleidoscope of authorship and ownership of text and of character. Everything had to be multiple things, it could not ever just be singular. I had to have a multiplicity in every moment, every line.”


He was pretty good in Munich, and wasn’t THAT bad of a Bruce Banner. Neither movie was very good, though.

MILF tends to be 30s-40s, and Mature tends to be I’m told

“implied the resistance were complicit in lots of bad things”