
Why is Kim doing sexyface to kiss her nephew? Do not want.

I watched the first few minutes and hated it. I felt like it was trying WAY too hard to be in-your-face and edgy. But people in this thread seemed to enjoy it, so I may have to give it another go. I did have a wicked headache last night and I didn't even think HIMYM was as funny as normal, so maybe it deserves another

Of course! I would not want anyone to be deprived of how wonderful Ryan Gosling is. <3

You can haz transcript? Not the same, I know:

Josh: We're in Canada. You are the patron saint to Canada, even though you don't play hockey. So welcome to a special edition of American Talk, the Oh Canada Edition. My guest host, Mr. Ryan Gosling. (points to Ryan) Hey, man.

Josh: We're in Canada. You are the patron saint to Canada, even though you don't play hockey. So welcome to a special edition of American Talk, the Oh Canada Edition. My guest host, Mr. Ryan Gosling. (points to Ryan) Hey, man.

I AM DYING RIGHT NOW. I love Ryan Gosling (duh) and I also love Josh Horowitz (who I find hilarious in all of the interviews he does and he's also exceptionally funny on Twitter and please don't tell me he's done/said something awful and I've got to hate him because I really, really enjoy liking him) so this is a

I do this for fun, so I think I should market myself as someone who can make a living off of this.

I'm the same way. Having mail in my inbox that I haven't read/looked at makes me feel crazy anxious! What if it's important? What if it's Someone Important finally recognizing how awesome I am and offering to pay me millions just for being me? (Can this happen? Don't crush me.)

YES! I fully support this.

I actually (cynically) think that AA was going to pick the winners they wanted regardless of who actually "won." It's just that buzz surrounding Upton gave them a chance to childishly and snarkily respond, publicly, and not only wag a finger at Upton herself for being "humorless," but also for "ruining it" for

Ahh, that makes me feel better! Everyone I've talked to is really on board with it and says it's perfect/really hot. Sure, they're both very hot, but I can't stop thinking about how much it hurts Hoyt. Can't get behind it, tbh.

I'm really disappointed that Tara's dead. She's been through hell and hardly ever got any resolution to her stories. Her mom is psychotic, her love was murdered, she was raped by a vampire, skipped town and fell in love only to have to ultimately abandon her new girlfriend so that she could help her cousin/only family

Susan Campbell is a total God. That is all.

Why Capitalize Every Word In A Sentence? it's on par with no capitalization at all, imo, pauly.

I love Gaga's fashion films. I think she looks lovely.

I'm in awe at how innovative you were. I just used plain, boring toilet paper.

The parents on the sidelines doing all of the moves are always the best part for me.

I told Ryan he really should attend the premiere, but he preferred snuggling with me in bed and watching cute videos of kittens and making us pancakes.

The sound of small children crying and/or yelling and/or whining makes my ears bleed.