
I absolutely agree that sex education is key, but this is where we are right now. And honestly? Even with the best sex education in the world, mistakes and rapes still happen, so abortion would still be necessary.

How does being a teenager and having sex mean that you're a child bride?

For most people, abortion ISN'T the first option. It's the option that is necessary, right and very, very legal (which some people seem to forget) when having a child simply isn't plausible, for whatever reason — health complications, financial reasons, or simply because that person isn't ready.

Ugh, yes. I also know several people who have gotten multiple accounts into early access. MEANWHILE I AM SITTING HERE WAITING WATCHING GRASS BLADES GROW. /dramatic

Me gusta.

College/grad school is exhausting. Being a mother is exhausting (and to 11 children, no less). Travel is exhausting. I can't imagine combining the three and still maintaining any semblance of sanity.

"She's nearly done with her undergraduate work and has been admitted to Harvard to purse a graduate degree in international relations."

But they were all out of fruit at the store, too! (I am not joking.) NOOOO.


I'm in Manchester and there was only cinnamon swirl left, too! But I was stubborn and I didn't take it. Regular bread or bust! (Although I love cinnamon swirl...)

We do have some crackers! That might work just fine, thanks! I love me some nutella. Maybe I should be ashamed, but it's just toooo goooood.

I live in Connecticut and we're legitimately out of bread. Not hoarding-bread-because-the-end-of-days-are-nigh but I'd-like-some-Nutella-on-toast-but-we-don't-have-any-bread. I've been trying to buy some for two days but the stores have nothing. I suppose dipping my finger in the jar will have to do, but I am not

Double post. Why is the site being so lame and wonky for me? :(

I just looked downthread at photos of what an actual abortion looks like and, thankfully, the photos my former friend showed me were fake. I thought they might be but I could never bring myself to look. Yay Jezzies!


I do wish the interviewer had asked Sarina what she thinks happens to the families after they decide not to go through with the abortion. Sarina can't possibly thing that everything is all sunshine and rainbows, right?

Right? And who cares if she made a sex tape in the first place?

I got the shot and, for me, they were not hideously painful. I can't speak for anyone else, but they were no better or worse than any other shot I've gotten in my life.

I would not have guessed those two were the same person.

Gasp. You're never too old to be emotionally invested in a Disney film! I cried like a baby during that film. I regret nothing. (And totally loved the film, too!)