They did. It was really disheartening, especially because I was totally psyched to talk about MMOs!
They did. It was really disheartening, especially because I was totally psyched to talk about MMOs!
I do find it interesting that many are appalled in this thread when the joke is about virgins, but a few months ago in a post about World of Warcraft, Jezebel is the one who presented the MMO in a positive light and nearly all of the comments said something like, "Hurr durrrrrr, people who play MMOs are fat/ugly/have…
I completely agree. The first time I started watching "True Blood," I was really disappointed in the Tara's character. One of the first things she utters in the series is about how she ISN'T a "black stereotype," and I think Alan Ball hoped that having the character have a meta moment like that would instantly absolve…
I find sweet!Eric much more attractive than douchebag!Eric and I truly do not see the appeal in bad boy behavior. It stresses me out! I'd much rather take a dude who wants to cuddle in bed with me than some dude who wants to put me in dangerous situations any day. But apparently that's just me!
I completely agree on Sookie being a terrible friend. Every time Sookie puts herself and/or a vampire first, I shake my head and wonder why Tara and everyone else is willing to risk EVERYTHING for her when she is only concerned with putting the people she's romantically interested in ahead of them.
He is part of a band called Dead Man's Bones and they are incredible! A little strange at first, but his voice is very haunting and beautiful, imo.
Replying to approve.
Damn, not sure why everyone responding to you is being a huge jerk. I'm with you on this one.
My first big crushes were: Uncle Jesse and Leonardo DiCaprio. Still have a bit of a soft spot for both of them.
He sounds lovely. I wish he'd taught me history!
I totally agree that cultures change. I mostly just meant to say that it'd be interesting to discuss people's experiences with "keeping cultures pure" instead of people getting off-track (downthread) and discussing boiled hotdogs. Heh.
Thank you.
I'm so sorry for your loss.
So many are missing the point in this post.
If I hadn't already hearted you, I'd heart you again.
IMO, different financial situations work for different people. There's no way I think a man should always pick up the tab simply because he has a penis. (Also, how does The Almighty Penis factor into the equation when two gay men or two lesbians are having a date?) Instead, I would agree that whoever initiated the…
If you do not plan on giving birth, you won't be asked out on a date in the first place, duuuuuuh. (Hearted!)
Ack, well that is very unfortunate! If she is really wanting to go to therapy, I hope she's able to figure something out. Poor girl. She has been through a lot.