
Will this never cease to be the truth??

I told my supervisor at the Playboy Club what he did to me, and you know what she said to me? She said: ‘You do know that that’s Hefner’s best friend, right?’ I said, ‘Yes.’ She says to me: ‘Nobody’s going to believe you. I suggest you shut your mouth.’

I love the open chair at the end of the line. It’s silently implying so many things. Because you KNOW there are more out there. And more women that will be raped by others. It's almost an open invitation to other victims to feel like they could step up and join those women who were able to come forward.

Speaking of cats... This guy on Imgur (I have sources this time Mark)

Or at least lay off the booger sugar.

Hear, hear! However, let’s take this one step further. I would go so far to say that WOMEN are a myth. I mean, I’m not a woman. Therefore, are there women? I find this so called “women exist” narrative just doesn’t hold water.

now now. My 30 years of life experience has taught me that both sexes can be horny, thirsty assholes.

No, but I'm gonna leave it.

I'm only halfway done reading this, but I need you to know that you are an American hero.

Hold on a second:

Even if they did realize what happened, they may have been much too ashamed to speak up about it and/or blamed themselves. I'm glad that one of them spoke up and he'll be behind bars where he belongs.'s not okay to point and laugh at other peoples' bodies. I'm the last person in the world to be all "what about the men!1!!1!" and I generally have close to zero sympathy for penis anxiety, but the way people are reacting to this is fucking gross and really, really surprising for Jezebel. There are

I want to see the rest of this one... The little glimpse is killing me softly.

Two things.

I feel like I just watched "white parents be like " meme. Had to snicker at how 'putting the foot down' translated to being banished to the bedroom. If I told my mom to shut up...ooooh. Shit would have played out very differently

I'm completely done with the dumb portrayals of the stereotypical moms and dads that were trotted out for this clip. I'm not sure why, but the dad especially grates on me. I just have no patience left for the "oh, dad isn't emotionally invested in the emotional lives of his family because SPORTS YEAH WHOO" trope. I

They were taken down but there is some ass hat bragging that he has them saved on his computer over on the Gawker article :| They will never be lost completely. The part that kills me is that this pathetic man-baby left her body for her son to find. He'll never get over that or forget it. And he clearly blames her for