
And Joe Tsai’s statement is crazy. HK is a special administrative region that is supposed to have some autonomy

Because it’s about black people suggesting things that could affect white people a little bit, so she feels compelled to virtue signal to her white supremacist fanbase. Also, I believe a lot of redhats are still triggered by the mere mention of Jemele Hill after the last time she tried to ruin their SPORTZ! with (the

I don’t get your point. Because much/most of the revenue generated by big-time athletic programs is plowed back into athletics, it somehow wouldn’t be worth it for HBCUs to get that money?

First, fuck yeah, go Pats. Second, why does Laura Ingraham feel like she needs to involve herself in this issue at all?

Doesn’t Fox News keep Diamond and / or Silk on retainer, sleeping in a little room just off camera, for just such an emergency?

Why would I mention this is in an article about combat design?

They're making changes out of respect, not censorship. Not every edit is a "censor." People use the word too much.

Can’t even be a cop while black now?!?! What the.....ah just more f...kery….

I would just like to say that your attempt to compare a rich white fan/owner shoving a player, who had zero interaction with him or his family, because he felt entitled to do so, to a well known black GM being stopped by a cop, supposedly because his visible credentials weren’t visible enough, and then allegedly being

Well, a minority owner of the Warriors thought he was within his rights to push a player during a game just a few games ago. I'm not saying the raptors guy did anything wrong I'm just saying that maybe because the person has a title doesn't mean that person doesn't do anything wrong ever.

Having him present was awkward as hell

Possibly but that’s about the worst precedent to set ever.

It is great that the Smith family is helping the people of Flint, but man I am so tired of seeing celebrities and billionaires having to step up and do the government’s job. 

Welfare = bad; because people need to be encouraged to work

She looks like the petulant rich girl that never worked for anything in her life that she is.

I can’t help thinking she looks more and more like Ursula from The Little Mermaid, just without the panache and gusto (and any other appealing or redeeming qualities, so basically an asshole witch).

The estate tax should be 100% for rich people.   If you disagree then you should be forced to listen to Meghan McCain talk about any topic.   You will see things my way in less than 10 minutes.  

McCain looks like she’s squeezing out an especially choice fart in that header photo. 

To recap: officers not fired for unwarranted use of force. One officer ceremoniously (justifiably) fired for shitty social media.