
All it took was an accusation, with precious little “evidence” at the time, to damn his career and plaster his name in headlines all over the world as an abuser. But sure, defending him, and reporting on the defense in any detail, is somehow “one-sided PR”.

Loose-lipped fucks. Doesn’t anyone take confidentiality seriously anymore? I get it’s an innocent enough thing to leak, like no one’s life is in danger cuz of it, but jesus christ if they say don’t talk about it and make you sign an NDA, don’t frickin leak it.

They should remove the national anthem entirely. 

Also the “why won’t Nintendo support us” crowd finally has the loudest and clearest answer imaginable.

Just to put this in perspective for folks who haven’t been covering this: imagine if just before going into the NBA playoffs we learned that 4 out of 5 starters on every single team entering the playoffs had abused minors, as well as 100% of the coaching staff.

Dude...shit opinions like that are not something you need to ‘control’...why the fuck are they in your synapses in the first place.  Hope all those ‘Asian’ companies you rely on to run your business fuck you over.

Nairo is the adult. Zack is not. He's not a rapist, he's a pedophile. He should act like the fucking adult and not have sex with a minor! Shits not that hard, don't defend this.

Pham described multiple instances, taking place in the early 2000s, of Cuellar using gifts of arcade tokens to bribe teenage boys into stripping down to their underwear and jumping into the miniature golf course’s water hazards.

I don’t think she has any problems with people wanting to be trans. What she disagree is the definitions. What she dislike is that if trans woman are woman then women have to be split in “women” and “women who menstruate” as she so called in that tweet. They don’t have the reproductive organs that women have, they

Get your facts straight, ace. ALLEGED Rapist by a single accuser. Who, in truth, never agreed to testify in court. Instead? She backed off a formal lawsuit and instead settled with Kobe via a civil suit.

Oddly enough he sold it back to gamestop for $13 in store credit.

I think the biggest thing that’s keeping me with Spotify currently is 1) The “This is: Artist Name” playlist and 2) the community playlist. I listen 95% of the time to either my own playlists, Spotify’s playlists or the playlist that the community on Spotify have made (ex: sleep movie soundtracks). Does YouTube Music

I am jealous of what a gorgeously-shaped head Ayanna has. She could totally rock the minimal look if she chose to. But I still do understand how challenging her hair journey must have been.

This is a great list, and feels different than what a lot of “gamers of the year” lists tend to look like...

1) It’s the first trailer for Ghostbusters: Afterlife

What in the FUCK is this bullshit?

Fucking Moleman, I knew he was a Trumper

My favorite was the clip where the crowd cheers the troops, boos the president and then cheers someone else over the course of about 30 seconds.

I watched Arlen Parsa’s video about twenty times in a row last night. It felt good.