Colten Hurst

It sounds like a conspiracy theory at first, but then you hear them throwing around phrases like “white genocide” and you start to worry.

In any sufficiently large group, there will be a large group of people who are at the bottom of that group’s intelligence curve. Of course you should not be shocked. There are so many stupid people in existence that the number of stupid things done simply had to include that which you refer to.

Your comment has a negative impact on the public opinion of people who disagree with this article. It is not interesting or thought-provoking. It should never have been written. Come up with some legitimate criticisms next time.

You really want to endorse diversity? You don’t give a shit about race or ideas and hire them based on their qualifications. Problem solved!

Were you trying to silence them or convince them? There’s a big difference.

Remember, it’s only supremacy if a white person does it.

You’re complaining because you’re expected to tolerate a certain type of person. Do I even have to point out what’s wrong here?

I very much agree. However, I should think that his want for more racists only exists on a subconscious or unconscious level; If find it highly unlikely that he actively wishes for more racists simply to make more money.

The argument is not that we do not have diversity of thought; Even one person can have diversity of thought if they can’t make up their mind about something. The important bit is that thought diversity and the free exchange of ideas is attack every time someone is silenced or jailed for their speech. Of course people

Look, I watch Sargon of Akkad and DoctorRandomercam, too, but if you tell them that the left has a monopoly on the media and universities without any numbers, they’re going to think you’re just a conspiracy theorist. (Of course, they’ll probably think that even if you give them the numbers...)

Diverging from the status quo is one of the main points of thought diversity. I define stupidity as ignorance, incompetence, and intolerance. While I think that thought diversity also includes your thoughts, I would remind you to be againstallformsofstupidity, including intolerance. While there’s nothing explicitly

Two rich, white, Christian men could still have wildly different viewpoints. Diversity of thought is mainly referred to when it is perceived to be under attack by the influence of majority opinion to drown out minority opinion. If you don’t agree with a person, it’s not right to drown them out. “Racial diversity” is

Thoughts are not violence. Violence is physical. Thoughts are mental, just like you. How can you expect us to take you seriously when you make such a basic mistake as this? Regardless of a person’s race, they have the right to think that their race is the best race, because people have the right to be wrong. Have you

Your quote can’t possibly be anti-ignorance, because everyone knows that ignorance can never truly be eliminated, so it must be anti-democracy. Seriously, what’s the use in saying that ignorance is bad? It’s not going to change anyone’s life if you tell them that murder is an infringement on another person’s right to

You contradicted yourself, mate; You can’t say that they’re mediocre and they’re adept at rigging the game. To be adept is to be skilled. If they’ve got enough skill to rig the game and run the world, then they can’t be mediocre. Also, I’m not entirely sure what you mean by a “level playing field,” but I’m guessing

It’s censorship because many innocent comments can be perceived as racism or hate speech. Whether it was actual racism or actual hate speech doesn’t matter to the policy makers. All that matters to them is how the content is perceived. “He turned his girlfriend’s dog into a Nazi to piss her off? Throw him in jail for

Free-speech groups invite hate-mongers like Antifa to discuss ideas and hopefully convert them to a less violent form of protest. Unfortunately, Antifa doesn’t like to have intellectual conversations with them, and prefers to assault anyone they disagree with.

“Freedom of speech” refers to the legal right to not be harassed by the government for self-expression, not the ability to open and close your mouth while making noises with your vocal chords whenever you want.

I can’t interpret your message in any other way than you calling Kang1488 an “it.” I don’t care if you’re literally talking about Hitler, because you can’t just call someone “it.” The reason that Hitler was so terrifying was not because he was a monster or an “it,” but because he was a human. Don’t try to dehumanize

You literally just advocated to get rid of people who don’t agree with the popular opinion, the majority opinion, and apparently white people are the majority. You’re not only against diversity of thought, but against racial diversity, if you want to give white people and the majority the power to decide who gets to