Amazing decision, BBC. Punish the audience by adopting an ivory tower, holier than thou position, and instill ill-will across a wide swath of the global population.
I don't understand the point in punishing the fans like this.
this made me laugh...then cry
I fee bad for Richard and James. They don't deserve to have their show canceled.
I know this argument will go nowhere. You obviously won't be swayed, I can't help that. But I also can't stand by your assessment that this is not a crime.
You still have PBIR and Immokalee though, right? And of course Sebring if you like turns. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a hypocrite that says he's never raced on the street. Sure, I've done it. And I was fortunate enough to never get in any serious trouble from it. But that doesn't mean I can't look back now and realize…
Duh. When has American popular opinion ever been wrong about anything?
Daleks took control of the Longbridge Rover plant in 1977 and operated it to build more Daleks until it was sold off and demolished. All those who looked to buy the plant, Honda, Toyota and BMW of those who visited the plant were recruited and placed under the control of the Daleks and those companies now produce…