
Haven't been able to talk to my aim buddies in weeks. Did the migration yesterday and sent out my new (gmail) address. Either can't add me to their buddy list or can't see me online.

A common standard for controls would help, however there are very few of these bluetooth controllers right now. Easy enough for the game to poke the bluetooth ID and see if a controller is connected and adjust the keymap accordingly.

Can mount the ipad horizontal in the icade. Has an extra slot holder to do so.

MAME supports wiimotes via BTstack, I wouldn't call this bluetooth keyboard support. I look forward to trying an iCade out on MAME in the future.

icade supports the ipad in landscape orientation.

Look at bartop cabinet prices then come back. If you already have an ipad, the icade is an easy decision. If not and you still want a bartop sized arcade, then get a cheap used ipad1 plus the icade. Is still cheaper than a dedicated bartop arcade.

Pairs as a bluetooth keyboard. The tablet cavity is oversized and can fit most tablets.


Yes, but does it taste like despair?

Can email them,

Darn, read this yesterday as PvZ free today. Doh!

No live blog?

I thought Splenda was ok because it is made from sugar byproducts, not artificial

How do bee larvae taste? I imagine fizzy

Popular flame link is gone now? I used that to hide the images in the sidebar :sadface

Think I'll stick with LastPass, still the most secure password manager.

Article = flamebait. I'll fall for it, PEPSI RULES!

Supports the theory of no hardware refresh on the usual date. Works for me, my contract is up in the fall.