

Sony is a premium product company, but you never know. Keep your fingers crossed.

Built in infrared port?! Wow, devices have left off this feature for the past decade and I miss it. Any one else remember the old phone/palm/winmobile universal remote applications?

Spoiler alert, the video of someone taking pictures with an ipad, was recorded by another ipad.

Has a range of compatible models. Each year they come out with a new one that will work with current phones.

Occasionally check bags? The self checkouts that I've seen work by weight. If something unknown is placed in the bag, the checkout process halts until the offending item is removed from the bag and scanned first. Makes it very easy for the buyer if he makes a mistake to figure which was the offending item in the

well I did read it, thanks for the info SalsaShark.

Used google voice since before I had a cellphone. Have never given my cell number out to anyone beyond family. Google voice number for everyone.

A friend of Ender?

Can google voice still not do MMS?

You Monster

Just purchased a Vulkano placeshifter for $99. I am really enjoying watching live tv when I'm away from home.

""Rovio's quit making holiday spin-off versions of the game for a second""

Darn, I was partially excited about the LG 3D tablet, but now you tell me that it doesn't have a 3D LCD screen? dispointment

Pretty sure that any accelerometer based pedometer would have given the same results. Multi axis accelerometer pedometers can be purchased for ~$20 at walmart.

""Not everyone likes what Sony did to Hotz, sure, but then again, not everyone tries to hack Sony products. Some people like to play video games on them.""

'DIY charging stations' link is broken

hmm, wasn't aware of that. Doesn't fix the problem, but is an interesting workaround.