Mr. Ogre is Still Alive...more or less

Probably. But again, they don’t seem to understand that they don’t just get to appoint their own guy to the presidency if she is removed. They get Kaine.

And mold.

And mold.

This person is famous, they should be president...

Waste of time and energy. My people have a high rate of heart disease. We need to stress less, because this is our world, and we need to be stronger than this like our parents. Then again, this is Generation Snowflake. Everyone is highly sensitive to everything nowadays.

I don’t think the network realizes that regardless of James Packer everyone loves to just watch Mariah be Mariah. Like. James Packer I’m sure is a fine person but he’s not the draw, Mariah is.

Can you be more specific? How is it “more than a little racist”? Where’s the “bigotry”? I’m genuinely curious.

Wait, when could she ever leave home by that standard?

Here’s my problem with this, a problem which I have with all rich white lady feminists.

Apparently ratings are down for some reason. Maybe the fans want to see a Thursday game between the Browns and Bears, streamed from Budapest available only on AskJeeves

It’s more how big they are. You can’t actually *do* a great deal in the game though.

Look, cut it out with the practical knowledge, ok? We are mongering fear, here.

Wish i could love Skyrim but the combat is just terrible, same thing that keeps me from sinking any more time into Fallout.

nope, just your everyday bethesda game. buggy as all hell, but somehow people give them a pass.

Or when you buried the hatchet eight years ago, and Hillary worked closely with Barack as his SoS for four years and everyone became friends. Funny how things actually do change when you are not a whiney baby who holds grudges forever.

It means don’t crash your car.

Keep the shiny side of the Ecstasy pill up in your mouth. You always want the rough side on your tongue. It helps the drug get into the blood stream faster.

Ah yes, killing people for killing people. Makes sense!

Poisoned candy/tylenol kills innocent people = a permanently changed nation

The tinfoil.