that damned fly

I still like the wartime cover of "franklin's tower."

The shelłac song, "didn't we deserve a look at you the way you really are" is also about ms. hole.

Fuck yes, frisky dingo. It's on Hulu. Watch it.

Check out the martial arts movie he directed, something about tai chi, I forgot the name.

from a way earlier episode, "my father was a super scientist, and his father was a super scientist and his father was…no, wait, i think he was a milliner."


coen bros. do it and it's genius, neill blomkamp does it and it's crap.

this song, "drugs/electricity" from "the name of this band…" "mind," and "no compassion," are my favorite talking heads songs i think.

where was he when we needed him most?

this avclub headline brought to you by logorrhea.

someone, please, find all these lines and make the episode.

his bond villains laughing supercut is pretty great too.

his ghostbusters remix is genius.

av club doesn't get all self referential for once.

“The worst thing that could possibly happen to anybody would be to not be used for anything by anybody. Thank you for using me, even though I didn't want to be used by anybody.”

shit. if the review is this pretentious it's a real flip of the coin on the movie.

fuck weezer.

*joe don baker.