that damned fly

e or i. never a.

stop, drop, and autobots roll out.

fugazi's "epic problem" and wire's "it's all in the art of stopping."

was wondering how far i'd have to scroll down before i saw this correction.

more obnoxious is trying to find the name of an instrumental you like. "sleepwalk" and "soulful strut" took about two years of my life.

laughing so hard.

why am i reading this?

fugazi's "glueman" ep.

i remember his appearance on conan discussing this while wearing a bellhop uniform. sheer brilliance.

steve zahn's "joy ride" commentary is a thing of beauty.

i remember why i quit.

what the hell does her hebrew tattoo say?

if i lay on the ground with my head to the north will the sun move left to right?

i've watched "ozymandias" several times. it's "peek-a-boo" i could only watch the one time.

anybody ever listen to the rock-a-bye baby stuff? there's a zeppelin one, and this sounds like that. also, the "rain song" on that collection is amazing.

my mother is a bureaucrat that goes to many conferences and meetings where promotional jimjams are always given away. the best is the yellow foam rubber little stress doll (made in china) imprinted with the words, "work is freedom."

orange is the new black but not peaky blinders? thbbbt.