He’s also full of shit.
He’s also full of shit.
lol someone whose entire claim to fame is that they are married to matt fucking gaetz does not deserve any level of respect
“She has a name” honestly, nobody cares. They are both terrible people.
Okay, the AP article has personal details, including: Former Rhode Island state Rep. Brian Coogan said he had grown to like Alahverdian so much when he worked as a teenage page in the Statehouse that he considered adopting him at one point.
yep. the old adage that those who would do best with power are those who desire it the least, and vice versa
Pence outside the courthouse: “I can not be forced to give evidence due to executive privilege.”
I think the important thing is to not get sucked into the cult of personality.
this and this.... just to add, it’s funny how little people actually know about slavery in the Americas... particularly the fact that quite often Africans were selected from different areas for particular skills... Africans from the Senegambia region were highly valued for the their skill in ironwork and…
“Lewis apologized to Felicia, but also expressed confusion about where her frustrations are coming from months after Lewis first posted her TikToks about Wennberg.”
It’s not an unreasonable demand, and simultaneously, Lewis and other TikTokers’ confusion about what is and isn’t the right way to be a horny woman on the internet also seems fair.
Aaah. I remember my first job. I learned how to operate and maintain a deep fat fryer at a burger joint. Then I was forced to work for no pay for the rest of my life and my children were subsequently forced to work for free as were all their offspring. Aah yes, the glorious benefits of that fryer training. I look…
wow learning how to pick crops was super useful. It’s not as if Africans didn’t have skills that related to their culture and native land.
You know what I’m not sad about re: Musk’s continued “stepping on the rake”? The fact that his fan boys have basically disappeared from here trying to defend him.
Talk about burying the lede. You describe the sign as “disastrous,” “enormous,” “blinding,” and a “brightly lit [sic] eyesore,” but you didn’t mention that it was FLASHING. That’s a whole other level of nope.
Fox is 100% correct here - professional relationships can get very sticky when there is a financial element introduced to them beyond the standard scope of the transaction. Very very sticky. Particularly when there are significant wealth disparities between the client and the professional. Accepting large sums outside…
“Rich” doesn’t mean paying cash ($7.5 million, for instance) for everything. Rich people take out mortgages just like anybody else.
If conservatives think they can’t win democratically, they won’t abandon conservatism, they’ll abandon democracy.
Lip filler and boob job is a drop in the bucket. She’s had way more than that done, as have her sisters, and their denials are pretty hilarious. I mean, Khloe basically got a face transplant and industrial scale liposuction and probably rib removal and butt implants and probably procedures most of us haven’t even…
event because of the unfulfilled sexual request from **checks notes** Patrick.
Does Pam Fichter know all cell phones come with a camera now and almost everyone carries a cell phone? There are people standing all around her. She really didn’t know that saying “don’t tell anyone” on a public corner wasn’t a guaranteed strategy for strict confidentiality?