When honesty doesn’t work to support their position, the right falls back on lying. Same as it ever was.
When honesty doesn’t work to support their position, the right falls back on lying. Same as it ever was.
Project Veritas showed that these tactics work and that their audience doesn’t care.
If you were God, would you want to spend more time with Sinead or more time with Evil Yertle here? There is a reason GOPers live so long, it is because neither God nor Satan himself wants to spend a moment more time with them until they have to.
Given how not freaked out his staff and colleagues were, wouldn’t be surprised if this is not a first/one-off occurrence — just the first one captured on camera.
Someone clearly destroyed one of his horcruxes.
That’s a rough looking 25. Guess all the evil ages you. See, also: Stephen Miller.
“Facts don’t care about your feelings” is such a funny personal motto for someone reacting this way to a movie about a toy.
I get Pete Davidson. Big D energy and all
“We bag on cops for beating up their wives, but we want these same people to defend the public in the event of danger. I have no solutions, ”
My kid is working at a theatre this summer and they have been absolutely slammed since Barbie came out. He’s worked like 50 hours in the last six days.
But-but-but-the Left can’t meme! It’s just a joke! Nazis are funny!
Fair, but lots of people work stressful, demoralizing jobs and don’t murder citizens or spouses.
I mean, you’re assuming that the stress of the work leads to DV, rather than the equally likely causality wherein the qualities that make someone a domestic abuser and the qualities that make police work seem like the right career choice are the same.
So he tried to strangle his wife in public in front of literally thousands of cops and there are no eyewitnesses? The cops came to check on them, then just left? He called his campaign manager about strangling his wife? And this all happened at a police convention? This single story ticks almost every box on the list…
sigh. police are great at killing everyone but themselves i guess
Even though he once seemed to be Trump’s only possible rival for the nomination, the schadenfreude of watching his “campaign” implode has been delicious.
It’s almost as if he’s running a shitty campaign on purpose so he can be the Florida meth trailer park version of the Kennedys.
I love how in the picture they’re all praying. Because, let’s not fool ourselves, it’s because of this magician in the sky that we’re in the place we’re in. To put it another way, these people are anti-abortion zealots because of a fictional story that’s been rewritten a million times. Fuck this shit.
quite a missed opportunity with all of them in one place...
If they are ever able to get this kind of legislation through, then I bet their next step will be to legalize rape. But also, eliminate child support.