
No, he throws these verbal bombs because he’s an asshole. There are plenty of people with mental illness who don’t act like an asshole.

Agree with everything except the Katie Holmes analogy. Katie Holmes had money but not Gisele money. And not Tom Cruise money. She was able to leave and keep her kid because she must have had dirt on Cruise (and a father who’s apparently a very smart lawyer advising her) that was enough to make him and his army of

Agreed, but keep in mind Jolie was more than happy to help Pitt spend an entire decade portraying Jennifer Aniston as a selfish loser career women who hated children while she presented herself as the mother of all mothers. She could have put her foot down on that and didn’t. She encouraged it. The patriarchy isn’t

Speaking as an employee of the entertainment industry....thanks for letting me know it isn’t a ‘real job’.

Agreed. Fulmer did a bad thing and potentially fucked over their entire team, ruined multiple friendships, and made a fool of his wife who was also their good friend. The video’s tone and message were perfect. Rich is just being a piece of shit because he wants to seem edgy. 

Fuck you Rich. The remaining TryGuys did everything pretty much perfectly, right down to hiring a human resources consultant immediately out of the gate, and not sweeping anything under the rug.  They also did their best to protect Alex from the shitty misogyny that will inevitably levelled at her.

You’re missing my point.

As a woman living in America, I honestly wonder if we ever had true equality because we’re on the verge of losing every human right we ever had all because Obama made fun of Trump in public once and RBG died.

OMG as if her name couldn’t get even better. 

I’d take a gander and say that’s a normal amount of time for grandkids to not ring their grandmother.

Behind the Bastards did a great 4-parter on Clarence Thomas and makes this same point regarding Ginni Thomas’ susceptibility to cult indoctrination. And in learning more about the history of Clarence Thomas’ views on women, a woman keen to be led around by another and told what to think, seems to be a perfect fit.

Or as I often say: if you’re tired of everyone thinking you’re a duck, stop quacking. 

This retro-casting of Mulaney as a “wife guy” confuses me because the first time I remember him mentioning his wife was when he was explaining that they finally got married because she kept complaining about it. Then he compared marrying her to buying a cow for five minutes.

And Ryan Reynold’s brand is built around him

Also..... a rendering is a performance or drawing.

Shaquille O’Neal, Self-Proclaimed ‘Serial Cheater,’ Is Rooting for Cheaters Everywhere

Ignorant. Willfully ignorant.

What a weird take on what Shaq was saying. He said he doesn’t have the moral authority to condemn or judge them for cheating because of how serially unfaithful he was. And then spent a good amount of time talking about his regret and how much he lost because of his behaviour.

You’re saying that after not having listened to his lectures.

To be fair, those side effects are just like, Thursday for Jordan Peterson.