
You just identified what happened.  They initiated a car chase with an armed man, and engaged in a shootout with him when he fired back, all while knowing the very person they were meant to protect was there.  And now that person is dead because she got shot.  Whatever else may have happened, there were plenty of

For the Gen Xers like me - 1. who are these people? 2. Is this like our Brad cheated on Jen with Angelina?

I really feel for her because the backlash was as swift as it was ubiquitous. And that sense of needing to sacrifice oneself for the so-called greater good is damaging. I was excited when the show came out cos the last Asian-American show I recalled was Margaret Cho’s ages ago. As a Black woman from an immigrant

Tbh the only men I’ve ever known (both among my social circle and my husband’s) who legitimately couldn’t pull any women were the ones who have wildly unrealistic expectations. The ones who are only interested in 9s and 10s, in other words, despite the fact that they themselves are 5s.

I’m a scientist. There’s a saying we have in the sciences: the plural of anecdote is not data. To break that down for you, that means that your personal experiences are not necessarily representative of larger reality.

who is this woman and why does she exist?

They don’t want women, they hate women

Okay that’s quite funny.

Let’s take height. I am a woman. 1.73 meters tall. I don’t care about how tall or short men are. But when I man tells me I’m not allowed to wear heels, because I make him feel bad when I am taller than him? Or told I am “too tall for dating, but not tall enough to be sexy tall”?

It is not your lack of height that is

I still cherish my brief interaction with CA Pinkham. When I was in the blacks under a different username (I didn’t get banned; my hard drive died and I never wrote down my Jez password, and by that point they stopped promoting people into the black) I commented on one of his Behind Closed Ovens posts.

Makes me think of the King of the Hill episode where Bobby learns that the secret of Boomhauer's success with the ladies is due to him propositioning every woman he meets until one says yes. After watching him get shot down over and over Bobby decides that constant rejection combined with bothering strangers isn't for

Schwyzer admitted to being a fraud and harassing the porn stars who gave guest lectures to his classes.

She just wants to be one of the popular girls.

Ah Roger, back again. I don’t know why I bother but:

If we were living in my imagined science fiction future, a husband or ex-husband objecting to an abortion would be told, “Fine, we’ll transplant the fetus into an artificial uterus in your body, and you can carry it to term.”

I also don’t subscribe to the bullshit that people who work long hours are better workers. It usually means that these people don’t delegate even though they don’t know what they’re doing.

God, these guys are such sad assholes. There are really VERY FEW men so gross (at least until they find that incel site) that some woman somewhere won’t find them attractive. Most of these guys could probably get both a girlfriend and sex eventually, if they were willing to leave Mom’s basement and do some

Absolutely, this happens all the time. I’ve had three IUDs inserted and was told to take 2 Motrin an hour before my appointment. The office actually forgot to tell me that for the first one so I had to do the insertion with no pain medication. Midway through the doc asked me how I was doing and I said “this really

Doctors are suppose to inform you of the consequences of your decisions, not make them for you.

This almost 100% goes to the fact that this is a pain related issue and far to many doctors don’t believe women when they say they are in pain. This is like women getting full hysterectomy and getting sent home from the hospital being told to take to ibuprofen for the pain. Can’t prescribe them “dangerous” opioids.