C’mon, Hitler was delightful in JoJo Rabbit.
C’mon, Hitler was delightful in JoJo Rabbit.
“He’s either drunk and high and incapable of even standing up, or he’s drunk and high and able to attack her, chase her, land blows? It just doesn’t make sense.”
Just don’t judge whatever a victim’s family says, okay?
It’s easy to muster empathy for a young woman who was brutally murdered. It’s easy to muster empathy for a man denied even the semblance of what passes for due process or fairness in our so-called criminal justice system, and wrongfully locked up for 20 years as a result. And it’s less easy to muster empathy for a…
them declaring their preference that a potentially innocent man stay in prison, than for there to be no one in prison for this.
“Her brother, Young Lee, appeared via video conference at yesterday’s trial, saying he felt ‘blindsidedʼ and ‘betrayedʼ by the motion to vacate Syed’s sentence. He said to the court a sentiment his family has shared before: ‘This is not a podcast for me…this is real life—a never-ending nightmare for 20-plus years.ʼ”
That is absolutely true that this reopens the wound for Lee’s family and it is devastating.
So we’re making fun of people’s physical appearances now? Cool.
I was saying “boo-urns”.
there is an excellent book called American Idiot by Charles Pierce that goes into great detail about how America came to see stupidity as a sign of being genuine especially in areas like politics where politicians are always seen as “pulling fast ones” over honest, hard-working Americans. Personally I think it’s an…
To be fair, he totally lied about that.
This will work for him, too. The people who will vote for him are the sort of morons who want their representative to be “just like me”, and me = stone cold stupid. Lost in all the racist garbage the Obamas had to deal with was the fact that they also hated Barack because he was a law professor, and Michelle because…
Yup. Here in Georgia, they’re already trying to play Warnock as being elitist and mean, with his big fancy words. And that your average Georgian will get what Walker is trying to get across. Seriously, that race shouldn’t be THAT close.
Syed was freed not just because of the work done by his attorney at the Innocence Project but because of an investigation initiated by the state’s attorney’s office. A number of individuals in situations similar to his have been freed by this unit of her office: https://www.stattorney.org/conviction-integrity
If he is, he's the fucking Marlin Brando of acting stupid.
This case, to me, was a “routine” miscarriage of justice. At best, once the police got anything they considered credible pointing to a suspect, everyone went with it to get a conviction. This was a show about how the criminal justice system exists to manufacture convictions, not justice. This sort of sloppy, lazy,…
That was always my understanding.
Matt Gaetz: the lovechild between roofies and Axe Body Spray
I’m delighted to vote for Fetterman this fall.
Fruit focused beverages? That’s an extremely complicated way of saying…juice.