I support your logic, but I’d sooner leave an unwanted baby with a family of grizzlies than that asshole.
I support your logic, but I’d sooner leave an unwanted baby with a family of grizzlies than that asshole.
Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
okay, few things
It’s great that it’s doing so well, it’s just a shame it’s another thing someone has to have a GoFundMe for.
Be a crying shame if the feds just started redirecting money out of the Florida budget over to Mass in order to care for these people....
Since part of their reasoning for doing this is to give the “illegals” to the liberal states whose policies facilitated their migration so they can pay for the unwanted additional expenses.
It’s absolutely disgusting, but par for the course for a guy who entrapped a bunch of people to try to make a point about non-existent voter fraud. These are massive, shocking abuses of power that get swept out of the news cycle far too quickly (maybe this one won’t). The brazenness, and the casual willingness to…
I would be more down to watch every Sandy Hook family member, one after another, giving him a swift kick in the junk.
I wish the law agreed with you. But this is the reason a woman can generally plead self-defense and get a significantly reduced sentence if she kills her abusive husband while he’s beating on her. But if she waits until he’s asleep, she’s a murderer, even if he’s been beating her regularly for years. I think the…
In a just world she’d get a medal and a ticker tape parade for killing that pedo.
I don’t get all the fucking anguish, crying, and other performative shite royalists and others are undertaking out of the delusion they had a personal connection to some 96 year old woman they didn’t know but likewise I also really don’t get people passionately and ecstatically celebrating her death as though said 96…
Was gonna say basically this. I get that her saying “[b]ut it doesn’t take away from the fact that a crime was committed[,]” is part of saving herself, but it's fucked she has to go on record to say this. To my eyes, no crime was committed here.
You know, you are undoubtedly allowed to kill someone when you have a reasonable fear that you are in imminent danger of severe harm or death from that person. I would think anything that purports to be a “justice” system would take seriously the possibility that a child who had just repeatedly been sexually assaulted…
No, I believe in the Texas trial he was announcing that it was all some kind of bullshit conspiracy theory setup. He didn’t take it seriously, at least not until he got on the stand and essentially admitted to perjury.
I had been in a similar situation. I had no control of the mental health treatment I received and it left bitter and angry. It was only when my mom died (who had been the one forcing me into treatment) that I realized not only did I need help, but now no one was around to do it for me. So I made a call to a therapist,…
I know it’s Jezebel’s thing to be all edgy and whatnot, but Ryan Reynolds should be applauded for streaming his colonoscopy, not made fun of. Younger people are being diagnosed with colon cancer at alarming rates (my husband was 34 - he’s thankfully cancer free now) and anything that encourages people to get their…
About 17 years ago, I dated a guy who told me he was too “emotionally damaged” from his divorce to commit to me or anyone else. He couldn’t even consider dating let alone sex.
I lived in SC for three years... he’s absolutely representative of the majority of the voter base.
GOP: “Abortion is a states rights issue! Every state should be able to decide for themselves whether abortion should be illegal, legal, and when!”