
As someone fast approaching 50 it’s weird to be the same age as old people.

For everyone that seems shocked she wouldn’t know this was happening, I find that really, really easy to believe.

I think a lot of the outrage is honestly just people having fun kicking someone when they’re down. Every year we pick a new person to pile on and this year it’s her.

You might, but the reality is that you would do it by hiring producers who you think are nice because they are nice to you. You’d have crew member meetings where you would say “my door is always open” and then, over the course of decades, routine would set in and you wouldn’t notice the way the dynamics between your

I don’t think it’s fair to hold Ellen to the standard of “nice” she sets on her show.  That is an act.  No one could be that nice 100% of the time.  I think it’s fair to hold her to the standard of not presiding over a toxic workplace.  If a man would get away with that, the answer is not to say “Well then, it’s okay

In your heart of hearts, are you really that mad at Ellen? And if so, why?

In addition to what other commenters have said about Rob Reiner’s progressive credentials, just a week ago, he and the surviving cast of The Princess Bride (minus Fred Savage and Malcolm Storry) livestreamed a table read of the screenplay (plus a Q&A after) to raise funds for Wisconsin Democrats. So that tweet isn’t

Millennial progressives are fucking ignorant as all hell and their schtick is past annoying and tired at this point.

Thank you! Rob’s father, the late great Carl Reiner, also made it clear his fondest wish was to see Trump out of office and actively encouraged people to vote. This family has been advocating for change and justice for decades. Please Harron Walker, do your research and don’t be insulting. know, watching ANY movie he’s ever directed. (This Is Spinal Tap; Stand by Me; A Few Good Men; The American President; When Harry Met Sally; just off the top of my head). I know she’s young, but how does someone miss those movies?

I had to re-read that statement twice because I was so taken aback. Not sure how old this writer is, but you’re right, a 30-second google search could have provided her some insight. 

If you didn’t know anything about Rob Reiner, you could have at least taken 30 seconds to Google him. He’s been a highly vocal (and financial) advocate for civil rights for 50 years. He helped start the American Foundation for Equal Rights. He’s repeatedly bankrolled challenges to Right-wing legal attacks on women,

Rob is correct, she hasn’t even been buried yet, no one even sit shiva for her yet. What they are doing is completely gross and inappropriate. They are afraid to lose.

What? Where have you been??? Rob Reiner has been an outspoken lefty for DECADES and not just performative, regardless of whatever his net worth might be.

Or alternatively, -everyone- in the Youtube community is a nobody, in the grand scheme of things.

I have a coworker (in her 60s) who take pictures of her and her boyfriends feet regularly. It’s her “thing.” For Christmas she gave him a photo book of their feet at various places. I just ... don’t get it. Yeah, he’s in sneakers and you’re in Keens. (Ok, I have a BIL who loves him some shoes, and he and a soprano he

Don Sr. and Melania, Pence and Mother, The Millers, Jarvanka, Kimye...

CardiB and Offset
Donj and Kimberly
KellyAnne and George

So the couple that broke up yesterday consisted of a serial cheater with abandonment issues and a transphobic bigot who sent people to beat up sex workers and has confessed to drugging her former clients so she can steal from them- but somehow Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani are the worst couple... ok I’m officially

That “fun fact” about Tina Knowles in not fun at all! She and her own siblings have different last names because racists couldn’t be bothered to spell their names correctly, or even give black people birth certificates? Not fun at all.