
He’ll just tell em it’s something masculine-sounding, be all, “It’s not makeup, it’s ManRub. It’s the same stuff Rambo rubs on his face.”

I think AV Club has done a whole inventory list on the subject of grand “romantic” gestures in pop culture that would be anything but romantic in real life.  Most rational adults get that those things aren’t realistic/something to emulate, but there definitely seem to be some people who saw those sorts of things and

I broke up with The Bachelor for Colton’s season because I thought he was such a terrible pick. On his home visit, he said that he his mommy had to nurse him back to health after his last breakup. It was described in such a way that was a major red flag. Combined with the pedestal he placed his virginity, this man was

Go see if your community has grants for asbestos abatement. My aunt used to do this sort of thing for St. Louis County and they had grant money she had to make sure it was used up for the fiscal year.

I love snooping behind the scenes of reality shows. It's not just $80k that you need. HGTV makes you have another $30k on hand in case something bad happens. They never say that though. 

Just like my attorney dad and any form of Law & Order, haha.

Unsolicited advice taken, and I assure you that as an estate planning attorney and someone who had a messy divorce, I have accounted for my financial interest in the event of his death, and the risk involved if we break up before I start contributing to home renovations. I’m the girlfriend who made him sign a

Please pardon what might be an intrusion, but

I moved into my boyfriend’s house this summer. He has been there for 17 years and has built up a lot of equity. Literally everyone has asked us if we’re going to buy our own house now that we are 2 incomes, and this is the house he bought with his ex-wife. They’ve been divorced for over 10 years, so I don’t care about

Someone on here already made the comparison but I can’t help myself!

And the last name La Bombera?! That’s like something a junior high kid would make up for prank phone calls.  

Sounds like my dad and doctor shows.

Nothing says ‘Murica like a guy with a flag cape taking a piss in amber waves of grain.

My big takeaway from this is that there’s a town called Rifle that could end up being represented by a wackjob gun nut, which sounds about white.


I pretty much lost it when I got to the part where she was shouting about knowing people at Fox News, only for it to somehow get better as it was her mother trying to calm her down... At a music festival where she was riling up some teenagers.

“There is the personal pain of having someone impersonate your own identity in the most racist way possible, through caricatures and stereotypes,”

Oh, my husband is either going to love this show or it will drive him absolutely bonkers! Whenever I watch this reno shows he tries to stay away, but will come in from the other room to rant about what idiocy is going on. 

I don’t know why anyone thinks that university professors publish books to get rich. It’s incredibly rare that any money is exchanged even when a book is a “hit”. Scholarly publications are for tenure, not for money.

That mural is the stuff of nightmares. Which direction will the out-of-control truck come from and take them out, fore or aft?