
There are loads of scenic bike rides( Iceland waterfalls was a bad idea though, lol), I do a HIIT ride if I’m short on time, while watching American Ninja Warrior ect. My favorite is still the Zombies, run! app because who doesn’t want to get chased by the undead while collecting a sports bra?

From our friends at The Onion:

I always assume that’s it? I’ve never taken coke or Adderall or anything like that? But I have a box of the REAL Sudafed that I had to give my driver’s license to get when I had a sinus infection. During pandemic when a friend and I were going to clean out a room I’ve been using as storage and border hoarder purposes,

A lifetime ago, I worked adjacent to baseball, and had a fan foaming at the mouth complaining to me that a baseball player hadn’t removed his hat during a song showing appreciation for America, and that player should be removed from baseball, etc, etc. I pointed out that a) it wasn’t even the National Anthem, it was

If you assume, as we must, that Trump is always projecting when he says this stuff, this bit is telling:

Why is it, whether it be this, or the National Anthem (no he doesn’t know the words to either, and no we didn’t used to put our hands over our hearts for the latter) he cannot stand still. He always has to sway back and forth like a first grader that has to go potty but forgot before class started.

My wife was about a year removed from having our baby. She suffered hard from postpartum depression & anxiety. We were tired, out of shape, over weight and surviving life. We did ALL the research with Peloton and all the other options. We cancelled our gym membership bc, hahahaha.... gym... infant/toddler.... We

Sigh. Is it too much to get someone who actually likes exercise (we exist!) to write about exercise and products that support it? There are valid criticisms to make about big fitness companies - but there are also pros to these products/services. I have never considered buying a Peloton until realizing 3 months after m

My bike (affectionately nicknamed “The Mule”) cost me $300 5 years ago and still going strong over many a poorly maintained urban street. Hey, if the Peleton thing works for you and you got the budget for it, knock yourself out. Exercise is good, no matter where you get it. But there’s no way many of us plebs can buy

I bought an exercise bike for less than $100. I ride while listening to episodes of Zombies, run!, ($7.99 a year), or watch training videos on YouTube(Freeee!). I’m probably too short for the bike anyway.

Damn, this Shakespeare guy is good. Does he have a podcast?

He’s got a lot of good ones. This seems appropriate too.

The Bard said it best:

I see a lot of commenters complaining about the tone of some articles, and the general habits of the Jez staff etc, and a lot of it is really valid. The site isn't what it used to be, but these people are just butthurt for the sake of being butthurt.

Yeahhhh I think it has more to do with the fact that she’s so teensy and that pool is so enormous. And that she is a national treasure and honestly? I need a wholesome story like this. Please just let me have one nice thing without trying to twist it into “how will the short little black lady swim”—the fact that you

Pretty sure this article is in the same vein as the RBG articles, and not meant to be taken seriously at all, and has nothing to do with Biles being black, more to do with her being an irreplaceable national treasure that must be protected at all costs. 

The hair salons closed on March 19 and re-opened on June 19. Then we had a horrible Covid increase and the Governor closed the salons again, and just re-opened them within the past week. However, like you said, some salons stayed open.

I want to add something to my previous comments. The article says that the footage was “leaked by the angry shop-owner.”

I wonder if anyone pointed out to her the WH Press Sec is supposed to talk about what the administration is doing, not serve as a propaganda machine about the enemies of the Fascist in Chief.

This situation is a bit confusing.