
Yea, if I drink during work (or “snack”), I would lose my license and my job. For those of us without addictions, it shouldn’t be hard to be sober for 8 hours at a time.

I’m with you on this one. She could just have the title “part owner” in order to drum up interest or back the cost or whatever. I also assume that while she’s ridic rich, she has other staff that she’s paying or concert staff that she’s still paying or some other shit like that. Maybe she’s not liquid. I’m not going

I’m so glad I have a trained chef in the family and a bunch of family members who are awesome cooks so I can call them. I had to call my brother in law (the chef) to ask if brown garlic was normal (it wasn’t soft and was from a hippie farm so we went with it was just a varietal). That question was from my making

I always think of the Julia Child/Martha Stewart Croquembouche video when I look at my food versus the pretty posted stuff. Martha’s final dessert is a tall, beautiful tree of pastry. Julia’s is more of a lump but you know it tastes as good as the pretty one. 

Dafuq? A coworker would do that? I’ve had a few conference calls with a client this week and her kids are always yelling or babbling in the background. It is what it is, it doesn’t affect our work at all so who cares? At most I feel bad that she’s having to handle that as well as work (her husband is essential so he’s

I’m a woman and I just cut my nails short last night so I can clean them better during hand washing... And by the end of this, I’ll probably have a Joe Exotic homemade haircut.

Bonus is that she’s adopted so it’s nature v nurture watching as well as seeing how she will physically change (fingers crossed that her birth parents have much better eyesight than my fam). It’s all so fascinating and she’s such a pip!

I love the term nibling! My almost-3-year-old niece figured out how to call me today (from the landline, so no pic) without her parents’ knowledge. I’m so curious to watch her grow up! I pointed out a window and said "look at the red bird!" and she responded "yes, a cardinal!" (or at least her version of that

That both surprises me and doesn’t. I would think people would have to at least wear masks, but then for a non-surgical birth, maybe it’s not as important.

I love watching procedurals and know that they’re not real life, but the obvious violation of rights sometimes makes me want to send a note to the writing staff that just says “really?” On SVU, the teams is CONSTANTLY disclosing personal information to strangers “well we’re asking cos Special Guest Star was raped and

I love SVU and for a bit thought Meloni was good looking enough, but then I started listening to the pod These Are Their Stories (L&O recaps/review—really funny) and they made me realise just what an ass Stabler was and now I can’t totally get behind Meloni as a sex symbol because his character ruined it for me.

(I totally read it as milk, which meant your comment made total sense to me!)

Until your comment, I had also read that as Milk and while I didn’t understand it, but went with it anyhow. [facepalm]

Thanks for the info. (I’m a youngest child and have no desire or ability to have children so it’s not something I’m going to ever deal with first-hand!)

I saw someone mention in another thread about this that one possible reason is that birthing partners would need all the protective gear that is currently scarce for medical professionals who are dire need of it (masks, protective clothing). I’ve not given birth nor have I attended any so I have no idea if the PPE

I hope she doesn’t have morning sickness, or if she does that she’s eating a lot of to-ast.

I have no issues with people getting plastic surgery if they really want to but wtf has she done to her face? It’s not even hers anymore. Could be some weird angle going on too, but her cheeks and eyes and mouth all look completely new. And not in a good way--this is a bad change for her. 

Dafuq? That’s messed up. I knew my layoff was coming the day before cos of a similar situation and I knew my manager hated me. I took the rest of the day before to start packing my desk and deleting my files so by the time they laid me off I was already half done. It was utter bullshit cos I had complained that she

If you have issues with fine motor skills, I’d probably caution against a serger cos the threading is awful. I’m usually hunched over with a tweezer and magnifying glass if I try to change bobbins.

I have a Kenmore model 16677 bought at Sears. If I remember correctly, I looked at the Singer but they were/are now made by Brother (?) and just carry the Singer name so I went with the Kenmore. If I was purchasing now I wouldn’t be snobby since Brother is fine. I do like the machine and it does everything I need