I used that $300 to buy a serger that I still use. But mostly it was a pretty useless amount of money.
I used that $300 to buy a serger that I still use. But mostly it was a pretty useless amount of money.
Thanks for the link! My fear is more that he’ll try to push fearmongering to the point where the election gets fucked up. But I’m glad to know there’s something in place to prevent him Putining the US.
for me the main difference is I’d hate bang Duncan where as I would punch Nunes in the face and love it.
This is what I’m afraid of. He would 100% use this pandemic as a Putin-style back door to extend his “presidency”.
Every time I see this I read it as “Boner Remover” and I’m like “well, yea.” [facepalm]
Charlotte Church was dragged for her personal life for a bit, so I feel like Ariana Grande being a pretty, petite woman would work against her no matter what she sang, sadly.
I’m def going to check! I have literally everything else just cos I always do (plus a couple gallons of white vinegar and a Costco bag of baking soda, which is how I clean most things), it’s just the TP. And like I told my friend earlier today, it’s more a matter of pride now that I get a roll or two than a desperate…
Ha! I actually saw a loose roll in the toilets today and *almost* grabbed it. I’m in a large building with multiple offices/bathrooms so that’s my backup plan. I just don’t want to be an asshole and make the maintenance people work more than they already do.
Oooh—hardware stores! I knew there had to be one of the out of the box box stores to try. My CVS is pretty small and totally out of everything as well (except, luckily, my drugs). Thanks!
Want to join my band? It’s called “Panic! At the Costco”.
Hah! I’m pretty sure my friend also called it a game changer. :) He sent a link to the group chat to what he thought was the website for the bidet (maybe Tushy?) but it was actually a porn site by accident. Whoops! Protip: DO NOT just add [dot]com to the end of what you *think* the bidet’s website is, always Google…
I think they do get a separate atmosphere. Also they’re probably in AC a lot more than we are?
All the wet wipes were also out (I had that thought too). I have family in the area who have already offered and I’m seeing my parents tomorrow so I may steal some paper goods from them. I hope you find what you need in the bigger town! My sisters are fairly rural and having issues getting stuff. I’m trying to think…
I hadn’t thought of the bidet option, but my friend LOVES his so this might be the time for me to purchase one! Of course I’m not sure if I’ll have an apartment to live in after the 31st, so I might hold out a week...
I badly planned my quarterly TP purchase for right now (single, small apartment, Costco buy) and I’m quite literally SOL. I have 3 rolls left and feel like that should do for a bit but was thinking if I have to revert to using paper towels, which I have a Costco-amount of, I would have to go the Euro route and put the…
I’m sure it’s not why she was wearing Cashmere in August, but wool is moisture-wicking which is why a lot of good hiking socks are made from it. (I’m a huge fan of oversized cardigans, though, so I’m biased and would wear her sweater whenever possible.)
If they’re not in the office, what does it matter to them if you ARE in the office? Also, ditto. I love the separation of work and home and while I have to think of work sometimes when I’m not here (like right now--I’m dealing with COVID-19 questions nonstop this week), I don’t check my phone unless it’s an emergency…
I’m not able to WFH well because I’m constantly distracted. Also, I don’t have a desk or a computer bigger than my Surface. I need two screens, a real keyboard and I need to NOT have my stuff around me for distraction. Also, I live alone and don’t get human interaction much. That said, I really could do without one of…
My friends group chat is nonstop for the last week. One, who is a podcaster and has shows all over the country, has just decided to postpone all March and April events and the Librarian was telling us about the library’s decisions. I think I’m the one who’s not panicked, though most of us live near the current hotbed…
I figure the “voting” has more to do with contracts that the performers signed rather than what the audience actually thinks. (so, ditto what you said with the addition of contracts being involved)