Warehouse full of brand new 23 year old luxury cars... sketchy story of how they were acquired from someone in bankruptcy... owner doesn’t want anyone talking about him...
Warehouse full of brand new 23 year old luxury cars... sketchy story of how they were acquired from someone in bankruptcy... owner doesn’t want anyone talking about him...
It happens all over the Dallas area. Back in 1980, my new wife and I moved into some not-too-fancy-but-livable apartments at Marsh Lane and Spring Valley, and had something similar happen.
Does David sweat? At this point, I imagine he just leaks coolant & sheds rust.
My favourite is simply The Digger:
I’ve got the theory that Florida Man is like Agent Smith from The Matrix and can spawn from any random Florida resident to raise havoc.
Honestly, now I’m more inclined to wear a tie. Thinking of it as a wearable napkin/hankercheif is much better than an inefficient noose.
So really you only wear a watch so you can bring up that you also fly. Nice.
It looks nice and tells you the time. Goes with a lot of clothing, makes you look a little more professional. Kinda like a tie: it does nothing, but you look good wearing one.
That was a thing from Bad Company 2
Absolutely amazing cars.......
I would like to take a moment away from oggling the new cars to say “welcome back, Mr Collins”.
Not to be all “hey, you moron, you left out my favorite!” but yeah, you left out my favorite:
Call me crazy, I like the Falcon’s “boring suit.” My favorite sedan of that era.
Did you watch the whole video? There are several shots of a ‘61 Galaxy doing it’s thing along with the Falcons. And yes, it’s glorious.
you know what we haven’t seen yet??? 2 trucks, +2 trailers + 2 fan boats+1 rope = A very windy tug-of-war.
Props to the boat owner.
If you run out of gas, it would be a lot more efficient to just take some from the airboat’s fuel tank.