
An account of a gay Holocaust survivor, Pierre Seel details life for gay men during Nazi control. In his account he states that he participated in his local gay community in the town of Mulhouse. When the Nazis gained power over the town his name was on a list of local gay men ordered to the police station. He obeyed

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I want people to see this, the last of the pink triangle survivors.

"Lumping atheists together is like lumping people who don't smoke together."

I won first prize in the 3rd grade "Reflections" arts contest for a really nice pastel sketch I did of my mom's Christmas cactus. Should I....send that ribbon onto Beyonce out of respect for art? Or do I get to keep it?

The kind where she lives in a patriarchy, and is lucky enough to not be a victim of abuse. Most people have just-world bias, it's the majority.

Surprisingly good writeup about Just-World Bias:…

This ad isn't for you.

I found this ad worse than useless. What was the message, exactly? "Domestic violence is scary, and. . .exists" Nothing about how to recognize when someone may be in a dangerous relationship, or what to do about it, or how to promote a culture where it's not say, acceptable for football players to commit it with no

According to TMZ, Tamika Fuller (pictured above on the far right) says the rapper-cum-actor initially wanted her to abort their daughter Cai Bridges when she told him she was pregnant. Fuller says he "offered her $10,000 and a house if she lost the baby."

I know that there is still a huge debate (among some people at least) regarding whether rape is about sex vs. power. Is this finally going to be the case that puts that debate to rest?

Morality has no place in legislation. Public policy is about providing and maintaining public services and infrastructure and protecting fundamental "natural" human rights inherent to every person. I do not believe it's "immoral" to pay me less than a male physician of the same education and experience. Morality

But she's not a porn star and if she was, I would hope that she's not including her children in her shoot, but I would also hope that she is raising adults who will be kind and questioning and productive and not as sexually repressed as a lot of us are. She's not having sex on camera, she's having a frank and honest

I agree. The church needs to get back to the good old fashioned traditional ways where women were women and the men wore lovely, elegant gowns and elaborate hats.

This might not be much comfort, but remember that this case almost never even happened. People almost got away with this whole thing. So the guy loses his job, shows up in court having to answer for doing some evil shit, and is disgraced. Better than nothing, which almost happened.

I think Ross Douthat, of all people, actually had the best response to this:

I terminated a very wanted pregnancy at 26 weeks gestation in June. My daughter had a genetic duplication and abnormalities that would have ensured that her life was brief and painful, had she even survived the rest of pregnancy and birth. If I was not extremely privileged to have excellent health insurance and enough

Children are susceptible to abuse on a colossal scale by groups of people, and by governments. That is why they need legal protections and their rights as individuals and a class of person should require the attention & care of every adult who thinks they deserve to be called an adult.

Canadian First Nations kids, up until the late 70s, too. Mounties were sent to forcibly remove thousands and thousands of them from reservations and force them into schools to learn how to be 'useful' (read: beaten, abused, traumatized, stripped of their language, culture and personhood, etc.) in the Residential

As someone who is religious, let me say this:

I suffer from chronic depression (which is sucky beyond the telling of it, but also doesn't hold a candle to CANCER), and my animals (two bouncy young dogs, one very grumpy old man kitty) are my lifeline—they're quite literally the only thing that gets me out of bed some days. It makes me ill to think about losing one