
As a Texan and a woman, I really hope that this leads to some sort of conviction or at the very least leads to Ricknow Perry stepping down as governor.

Awful, terrble news. He struggled with depression & addiction for years. More proof that mental illness does not discriminate. He had the world's adoration, a loving family & resources far beyond what the average person has and still lost the battle. I hope that someday we treat mental illness as the devastating thing

in my experience it seems the juvenile legal system is overly paternalistic and it needs some changes in practice and policy. Many if the laws influencing the policies are based on outdated information regarding neurological, emotional, and mental development.

Does it serve society well to hold these men in prison at age 80? The American justice system is so extreme

I'm really glad the DA is taking this case seriously and prosecuting these young men. And I think they should go to prison. However, I am not in favor of prison sentences for 100s of years. 20-30 years? Okay - they can spend the best years of their adult lives in prison. That seems about right. But if there is

I think for some people, "fight" means "actively disagree." For others, it means "loudly release big feels." For still others, like my SO and me, it usually means "Talk it out before someone blows up, thus relaxing the issue." If you use that last definition, I can't remember us having a real "fight." If you use the

Given that many retail jobs (including fast food) require flexible shifts AND will fire you if you have a second job which interferes with their shift planning, I think you need to sit down and realize your attempt at advice is neither current, useful or original.

If you're in the U.S., download the ROC United National Diners Guide (available in iPhone, Android and PDF flavors). It has information on policies at chains, plus independent restaurants in about 10 metro areas. One of the columns tells you whether a restaurant gives sick days to its employees. Few do, but if you

"...but this is the US where illness is a bad choice made by the patient."

The main reason I did this for this week is that I feel like everyone needs to see this shit. People need to know these aren't isolated incidents.

Having a Master in Public Health and worked/working in restaurants my whole life (and being able to add SO MANY of these stories), if I ever get my PhD, my dissertation research is going to be the epidemiology of disease spread among restaurant workers to the customer. Only, I doubt any restaurant would ever let me

Rape still isn't funny, even when it's prison rape.

I watched the video when it was up. The security guards are being incredibly patient, and she is being incredibly belligerent and kept trying to make the guards feel guilty about her sobbing 8 year old. Also, she wasn't kicked out. They told her that she couldn't be in the pit with an infant, but they could move her

Just a reminder: Apple also refuses to recognize when you're typing the word "vagina" into your iPhone.

I completely agree. This just seems like pedantic nonesense. How many 15 year olds are out there now being tried and sentenced as adults? If you do something really bad like shoot somebody or rob a place you are clearly a capable mature adult person, but if you are a (probably) horny 15 year old girl doing something

Lawyers for a 17-year-old boy accused of sexting...

Your President('s Twitter account) is feeling a little cheeky today.

basically slavery