
any mixed race jezzies wanna share some fun family photos? show some people what’s up. i’ve got some in the holster i once used to silence a douche in my intercultural communications class (a class he clearly and dearly needed). “if you’re half white then you should just identify as white.” direct quote.
my teacher

her reaction was perfection. she was like “i’m not about to play games with you.”

you’re definitely on point. everyone else was like “....wait what?”

honestly, i loooooved when that photo of the 2 of them came out. it perfectly exemplified the struggle a lot of mixed race people go through in having to “prove” what race(s) they are. genes do some bonkers stuff, even with twins.
and this woman exemplifies the struggle with being pushed to identify as one race or

i have no idea. i haven’t lived in blono in 4 years or so. ha. i just wasn’t sure if it was still around or not.

I’m in SE too, near sellwood. My old boss used his SNAP for food there all the time. But given new season’s recent political ties I’ve been avoiding them. But it's the only place i know to get nectar creek honey wine. Gah.

I’m also a pdx SNAP person! They do make it fairly easy to eat healthy out here. My midwest friends are often in awe. The farmer’s markets help a TON. I grow on my balcony too, just harvested some radishes. Carrots are almost ready, then i can just replant the tops and grow them year round :) urban gardening ftw.

How do people dry their hair? Like i never got the memo. I use a blow dryer and it frizzes like fozzy bear. It takes forevvveeer to air dry. Half the time i just pull it back into a bun after the shower - still wet. Then the next day i have dry hair to work with.

Someone tell me the benefits of dry shampoo. I get greasy so fast and i don’t wanna be washing my hair everyday. Like, how do you even use it? Does your hair look weird afterwards?

i use those all the damn time. They are hair magic. Seriously. And they have them in different sizes!

i really love that she was blunt about this. a lot of politicians either blatantly attack women’s reproductive rights or they vaguely and quietly support reproductive rights. so few out and out say “hey, you guys are trying to side step the law and make things harder for women. stop. your religion means jack in the

he requested people still refer to him by his birth name as well as male pronouns. some trans people switch names and pronouns right away, while others need more time to adjust grow comfortable with them. when he is ready he will likely tell people he wants to go by she.

I am nearly 100% positive she never named him in any of her demonstrations or her art piece. I think I remember his name coming out when someone leaked all the paperwork from their university “legal” proceedings regarding the assault. That or he was dumb enough to point the fingers at himself.

Its a civil claim, not a criminal one. And he would have to prove all the damages done by her actions - burden of proof is all his. Secondly, she never named him outright in any of her demonstrations. He was named by others. Thirdly, if he wants to sue her for libel he will have to prove he didn’t rape her - which

Since when does mere gun possession imply he is dangerous? I mean, I’m all for strict gun control but i don’t see a gun and assume the person with it intends harm (my dad was a cop and always had a gun - and the permits required - with him when we went on road trips and junk. Embarrassingly took it into disney

i mean, that’s definitely way more reasonable than a simple cheek swab.

Seriously! Like why the fuck would he deny it?! I legitimately want to know what his ass backwards reasoning was. That judge kind of needs to explain himself because the consequences of that decision were huuuuuge.

why on earth would the judge deny a DNA test when that is literally the only piece that matters in the case?

Love this article. I’ve been telling my sister and cousin this for years. I eat somewhere between 1600 and 1800 each day, more if i get in a 30-40 minute cardio workout plus weights (i work out 3 nights a week), then I’m gonna be closer to 2100. I’m 27, 5’5”, and i think i weigh around 130 (i don’t check actual

being terminated or heart surgery or other such things that could be life ending/saving tend to be singular events. sexual intercourse can and tends to be a repeated event - a repeated event that can be traumatizing should the person have an episode or something during the intercourse. when someone has alzheimers they