
good for you for hitting him back and defending yourself. i never had that strength. i always froze. i wish we weren't what was lucky. i really wish this overwhelming sadness and fear for myself and womenkind was not ever-present.

Next time anyone gives you one of those "well you were with him for a year" remarks just walk away from the conversation. That's what I've learned to do. I was with my ex for a little over 2 years and the length of the relationship does not change the situation. you do not need people in your life who think that way.

1. i am very happy and proud of you that you have been able to confront your depression and start your path to gaining control. i hope you know there are lots of resources out there for you if you need them.
2. i am also very glad you are in a place and with a person where you feel safe and respected. i am also in a

we might be the same person. mine tried very hard to get me to do anal as well, but unfortunately he decided to just go for it while taking me from behind. i never said he could, he just did it. it hurt. it hurt very bad. and he still insisted on continuing to try it other times and could not fathom why i was so

but you know what is so sad? that we would count ourselves lucky for being coerced and harassed instead of being raped or murdered. we shouldn't feel harassed or coerced at all. we should be able to feel safe.
i shouldn't feel "lucky" that he never hit me.

i just feel nauseated. i read all these stories and count myself lucky. i weep for these women.
in high school i had a boy friend in high school (my first) who was very verbally abusive, i felt like i could not say 'no' to sex. i felt like nearly every time there was coercion happening on some level. one time i did say

You're right; doing nothing isn't the answer. But I cannot think of what else can be done. Colleges seem to care more about PR and their standing in the public than they do about student's safety or mental health. That's why so many rape cases just get buried or tossed out and the rapists get to continue roaming the

I still do not understand why colleges are involved with trying college rape cases anyway. When someone reports a rape to the school then the school should tell them to go to police while providing counseling and support. It's been proven time and again that colleges just mishandled them. And suspension/expulsion is

It is always upsetting for people to question your parentage for things like skin color. Everyone needs to learn that its not ever going to be as simple as looking at someone and "knowing" what they are racially. Or even what they might identify as. Its similar to gender identity- especially when someone appears as

Oh my god! Me too! isn't it just the most uncomfortable experience?

right?! People get so caught up in the idea of a person existing between races or not appearing as the one they "look most like." I'm pale with freckles and dark hair but I have the brow and jaw line of a p.o.c. without my glasses I can throw people off. They always want to categorize you as one or the other, or

also, i am mixed (white and native american) and i am one of those people who got the genetic combination of looking almost entirely white. i remember people being surprised or even angry when i announced i was actually mixed. as if i somehow tricked them.

One can most certainly be racist while still dating a person of color. Their romantic involvement changes nothing- its about being a prop or being an exotic centerpiece. While they might also think it will be a misdirect away from their racism, they are only dating that person as an exploration. It can be viewed in

sorry, i worded it in a confusing way.

i did not think you meant that he should have a lighter one. i was agreeing that every other rapist should get as much time as he did.

right?! sure, he is using institutionalized power being abused, but it should not carry a heavier sentence just because of that added bit to the case.

what i find saddening is that the settlement only amount to about $300 per person. i guarantee that the amount does not meet what was stolen via work and overtime.

drunk driving is an irresponsible and dangerous thing to do. i'm actually pretty ashamed of him. as someone who has (as a pedestrian) been struck by a drunk driver and broken many bones and suffered major injuries i have lost all respect for him. you're fucking loaded. call a damn cab to take you home. there is no

I feel like we need to discuss functional muscle vs aesthetic muscle. Because looking muscular does not necessarily equate being fit or strong.

i can see the concern with the dog not being spayed (unless there were plans for breeding) or having any sort of identification, but that by no means the family is not worthy of the dog they love and have been raising. for one, microchipping an animal can be very expensive. i had 2 cats and it was pricey, even with