Wouldn't she have died of dehydration first?
Wouldn't she have died of dehydration first?
Get over yourself. I’m a Hillary supporter that plans on voting with the party.
So if you don’t want to get raped, don’t leave your house because there are rapists everywhere. But also, don’t be afraid of getting raped when you go out because that’s insulting to men
“The United States has such a fraught history with race”
Funny that white men can find some common ground with other white men who just happened to be attracted to white men, but women still aren’t people.
The best funding for an abortion free society would be great sex-ed and free birth control.
Lorde is a middle-aged man from Colorado. A geologist, I think.
What a pathetic, hateful post. You don’t know these people or who signed up to out themselves as victims, or why some would or some would not. You need to check your viciousness and hatred. Your hate is palpable and inhuman.
We absolutely should acknowledge male survivors of rape and sexual assault, and the acknowledgement in itself is indeed not a dismissal of female victims. It is, however, far too often used that way by people who do not actually give a damn about any victims, male or female, but just want to shut women up. Both of…
Seriously? There were 6 males that I counted on stage (back left corner, back & just left of LG, back row near edge of piano, front row right of piano, far right front row & directly behind LG). VP Biden specifically mentioned male victims in his speech, as did Lady Gaga when quoting statistics before she performed.…
We must not talk about this issue with the same people. Almost every time I bring up sexual assault, a man tries to dismiss my concerns by mentioning that men are raped, too. And they never care about male victims, of course. It’s just a go-to rebuttal that attempts to shut women up.
He. Is. So. Pretty.
Damn. I am so fine with him never wearing a shirt. Who are we to police his clothing choices?
To be fair to Chrissy I don’t know why people would be mad about her IVF process. I have a relative going through it and she had the option of choosing which sex of embryo she wanted transferred. Her and her husband opted just for the most genetically healthy one to be implanted and to keep the sex a surprise, but if…
I like their songs, too. And I like picturing this in my head: http://www.buzzfeed.com/stacylambe/1-g…
Why is it trendy to snark on Mumford & Sons? I’m asking because I honestly don’t know. TBH I really like a couple of their songs.
A girl from a modest financial background reporting a rape by a multimillionaire to the police. LOL.
We all know a kangaroo is holding a gun to your head making you say this.
“Survive the satanic hordes for at least 500 seconds.”