That Australian Girl

Sometimes you forgive because it's what's best for you, personally. You don't always forgive for the other person.

500 days of American Ninja warreir??? would watch 1000/1000

Why aren’t you?

Gosh, Luke. If you've been so wronged by Kesha, surely you could just cancel her contract and wash your hands of her. Unless you enjoy prolonging contact with her against her will.

Why does Taylor Swift get stoned to death on here for not saying anything when Beyonce gets a free pass?

JUST GONNA SIT OVER HERE CRYING GUYS. I’m so sorry for your loss. I’ve owned both cats and dogs and losing them opens up a hole in your heart that can shock you, especially if you aren’t prepared for the pain. You did a great thing by providing him with a home while he was here. You’re good people.

It’s legal to donate a kidney, but not for someone to cut a kidney out of you without your consent. I think that’s the kind of law that should be in effect here.

My opinion on Caitlin Jenner is Kyle from South Park’s: I don’t like her. I didn’t like her when she was presenting as Bruce, I don’t like her now that she’s out as Caitlin, and I also don’t think she’s that good of a person. I’m judging her on her character, not her gender identity. She comes off as a completely

Thank you so much for sharing your story.

the pope continued, “unless those walls are around abortion clinics then build them high af and electrify ‘em”

Really though? The man has always been nuts. This is not news.

Leave Brittany alone!!!!

Nope! No adult man is ever the “vulnerable” victim “driven” by his “underage sidepiece”.

I think PMK’s machine is working overtime to get them ready for a break from Kanye. It won't happen immediately because they have to look like they tried to save him, but mental breakdown isn't good for the brand long-term.

I’m replying to you because I am sure this Jess person will dismiss my post, and I think it’s important for people reading through these comments to understand this:

Mah butt

everyone involved should go to jail, imo

Of course 1) I’m stupid 2) I once smothered him with a pillow while he slept only to give up when I realized he wasn't going to push me off but rather just continue to lay there like an idiot and die.

He also said that instead of building a school in Africa, rich Americans should support his art so I have trouble taking that turn around seriously.

So, Carol is really female version of Carl.