That Australian Girl

“I don’t want to use the word ignorant so instead I’ll just use the definition of ignorance to describe him.”

For my life? Yes.

Aw, shit yeah, bro! Not all men! You’re so brave!

It’s really simple buddy. Women are murdered by men for “rejecting them” vastly more often than men are murdered by women for “rejecting them”.

Will this never cease to be the truth??

i sure hope he learns her name before the wedding.

fuck off, idiot

No, really, the selfish thing is so wrong. You don’t tell someone who dies of cancer they are selfish. Depression is an illness that is sometimes fatal.

Get lost with the “selfish” shit.

That the trial was shoddy matters the most. Sorry to sound cliché but when it comes to the law, we cannot allow the ends to justify the means. I am also sorry for Hae’s family but even if Adnan is guilty, he deserves a trial fairer than the one he got, especially since our understanding of technology has changed in

If you want to help, you should donate to the various Innocence Projects around the country.

I understand that this guy is easy to hate, but I really think he is a distraction. In the grand scheme of things, Martin Shkreli is just a small symptom of a much bigger disease. We pay more for prescription drugs in the U.S. than anyone in any other modern (and not so modern) country. Martin Shkreli didn’t cause

Probably because ballet is a centuries-old art form with a rigorously defined technique. There are only six methods/schools of thought for training ballet dancers; and for most movements, like the one demonstrated in the picture, there is one way to use the legs and a few options for carrying the arms. Anything else

And now my Facebook feed includes the ranting of the conspiracy squad - GMO mosquitoes planted by Big Pharma so they can develop a vaccine that they apparently already have and make all the money!

If that’s the case, they should hire Rachel Dolezal as a consultant.


“. . . the only pic of him you can find to use is a screencap of him being named the Student Athlete of the Week?