*Something something gay fish*
I actually love this clapback because I think she’s just using his own sexism/homophobia/machismo against him. To put it another way, its only shaming if he’s insecure about his butt being “penetrated” by a woman; if he were cool with it, there’s no shaming. But maybe I’m giving Amber too much credit here...
tweet beat or here?
Mommas, don’t let your babies grow up to be NFL players.
For someone who claims to not be ashamed of who they are, you sure are awfully hostile about it.
Do you not know what that means? It’s not about being ashamed you’re white.
Not a single person anywhere on this thread or in the post said you should be ashamed. Not a one. Literally no where. Perhaps listen to the song and reread the post.
Calling your kids dad a cunt in a very public forum is a great way to make sure your kid can't stand you.
Most of the things I own didn’t involve an animal being killed though. And since I eat meat, do I then lose the right to object to any kind of infliction of suffering on animals? Can only vegans be opposed to Sea World or trophy hunting or people who abuse their animals? Where’s the line?
Nah. Not everyone can afford to be vegan in a healthy way and food is necessary for survival. Nobody needs a luxury fur. The only people I don’t judge at all for wearing fur are the people who hunt for themselves and use the pelts for warmth and shelter.
They’re also pretty anti-science and western med [...]
She sounds like she’s making a pretty solid argument for veterans to be denied access to guns.