
This show is too clear-cut and simplistic in their ideas of what's right and wrong (seriously, they beat you over the head with it in almost every episode) to ever go that route.

Speaking admittedly as a pretty huge Oasis fan, they were coked out of their minds when they said that and never actually believed it.

But why should anyone expect Jimmy Fallon to ask tough questions in the first place?

Oh, Britta’s in this?

Barney Martin (who appears in the video) died in 2005!

Oh great, another liberal elite telling us when the peons should or shouldn’t laugh!

Yeah it’s crazy. This was by far the best episode of the season. Maybe I’m someone that actually *likes* a lot of plot, but I don’t find following the multiple plots confusing in the slightest, and the community grade for this episode is an A-.

I love Frank as a character because unlike the other characters, murder isn’t an emotional or venegeful affair, he’s just fulfilling the job he’s hired to do. I have no problem with him cozying up to Laurel… he’s just about the only male character we’ve seen on this show that hasn’t had some kind of raging outburst of

Given how clued in the Max Rager CEO is to everything that's going on, I would not be surprised if her phone really was bugged.

It's good you stopped there then. Season 3 was the last season I really fully enjoyed. The show became increasingly directionless after that.

It's actually surprising how much creative freedom show creators for Nickelodeon in the early '90s had. It wasn't about making money, it was about being "different".

I think it should have been included anyway…whether the clips were real or not, that episode showed how creative the show could really be.


Wow. I actually work for WKYC Channel 3 in Cleveland and bump into this guy all the time. I never knew he was the "You Got Mail" dude. What a strange feeling going on AVClub and finding out news about your co-worker.

I think it was both.
Goggins did oversell the end tag a tad bit.

If you had watched the Season 4 premiere, you'd quickly realize why that wouldn't be a good approach.

Yes…please give me an example of this.

The thing is, only in America is Oasis considered a "one-hit wonder". In the UK, Italy, Japan, and a lot of South America, Oasis were and are still considered pretty massive. People went absolutely nuts for the '90s anthems and the sibling rivalry. On the other side of the Atlantic, even the WORST selling Oasis album

The thing is, only in America is Oasis considered a "one-hit wonder". In the UK, Italy, Japan, and a lot of South America, Oasis were and are still considered pretty massive. People went absolutely nuts for the '90s anthems and the sibling rivalry. On the other side of the Atlantic, even the WORST selling Oasis album

Except, network television has MUCH bigger budgets than basic cable shows do. Very rarely is it done. I remember that there were discussions when AD was being cancelled of moving the series to Showtime, but at the time there just wasn't enough money offered to make it happen.