
“I don’t know, Dennis. What did the five fingers say to the face?”

Alonso has had so many excuses made for him throughout his motorsports journey. I’ve never seen a driver protected from blame by so many pundits, media outlets, fans, and colleagues when he so clearly has deserved a share of it. It’s not as if he’s solely responsible for anything, but dear lord he’s had a massive hand

I like Alonso and McLaren. Some media are currently writing that Indianapolis isn’t about the driver but the setup. Two years ago, Fernando was another genius driver from Formula One teaching the rubes in Indiana about racing. I believe Alonso had a bad car but some blame needs to be put on him, too. Sage Karam made

So what you're saying is that this article is about par for the course on LH lately?

Sushi doesn’t go with crackers.

Then vote for Joe Biden who is the closest thing to Obama which can win.

Let me put on my tin foil hat for a second... This is part of their marketing partnership. It may not the be the pro-beer deal everyone thought they were working, but what they’re doing seems to be working. Both companies mention each other’s product in their press releases and marketing which means they’re pushing

I bet Univision is so happy with their purchase right now.

How To Vote Your Interest:

I did the tour but I skipped the pizza and I regret the choice, but I only had 36 hours so I needed to fit a lot in :) 

Both necessary tourist activities!

SMOG on thin. What I order 90% of the time.

Wait, but sex positive “feminists” told me that porn is feminist and empowering!!!

Every time I read one of these articles I’m just reminded of that Dan Savage line about how a lot of pornography is made exclusively for lonely and angry men.

pretty sexist to describe a 28 year old female journalist as a child

Chill, child.

Former President Doesn’t Get It; Wet Behind The Ears Child Blogger Gets Everything


I too am a fellow fit person. I fit into 2xl shirts, husky pants, size 48 jackets, most barrels...