
Finding a specific Subaru in Portland. This should be fun.

Or two nights with a porn star.

You know who else liked logic? the Greeks and they were super gay.

This is true.

Is there a way to crash in the booth?

Rajon Rondo has never been happy in his life.

You’ll be back!

It’s funny that either of his characters for SATC and 30 Rock could have conceivably delivered that statement.

Nope, Aaliyah’s parents did not give permission. The marriage was annulled by her parents, and it was done with no fuss because it was illegal; they put her age as 18 on the license when she was actually 15. Let’s not blame her parents for something they didn’t do.

Actually the brakes wouldn’t need to do much to overpower the throttle. The ECU, in almost every modern car with a drive-by-wire throttle, will cut power if it receives both brake and throttle inputs at the same time.

OK, OK, you talked me into it. I’m gonna give Dennis the love he deserves. I will amend to Ryan, Dennis then the Allstate guy. Dennis was before his Allstate gig, so I will allow this.

Luckily for me, I prefer Victorian era erotica viewable on stereopticon or zoetrope. So I’m good.

Like many chain restaurants, there is no one person named P.F. Chang—it’s a combination of the founders’ names.

Rahm was Obama’s Chief of Staff during his first term, and anyone worth their political salt would say that alone pretty much puts him in the DC Hall of Fame.

I also make the effort to tell people every Youtube channel I do not watch

No. He has to be charged and impeached. If he’s voted out, he still wins. His name will go down in history as president, and his stupid family will ride the “Trump” name for as long as they breed. He has to be removed from office via an impeachment so history remembers him as “Disgraced Former President Trump”. His

You should hear what my parents call me.

There is NO universe where Trump is anything but for Trump....Anyone who believes that pathological lying, narcissist, piece of shit is in anyway religious is fucking autistic....This is the same fucking idiot who said his favorite bible VERSE was 2 Corinthians. A thats not a fucking VERSE and B there is no fucking 2

I haven’t seen a Christian be that racist since the opening ceremonies of the Winter Olympics.

it is because they are ugly