That 90s Cali Kid

dude, chill. Go play Destiny instead of trying to defend it to everyone. Bungie got ya, its ok.

“IT’S COSMETIC” is the dumbest excuse you dumb people make to defend corporate bullshit. Sorry kid, we’re not letting that slide anymore. Cosmetics are one of the most important parts of games, especially multiplayer games. Go back to playing Facebook and phone games and quit ruining gaming for the gamers with your

Too little too late for Destiny 2. As a huuuuuge fan of D1 with lots of fond memories and merch, I’ve entirely stopped playing D2. The expansion sounds meager, the “raid lair” disappointing, and the overall tenor of the game depressing.

Stupid argument is stupid.

People WANT to like the DC movies, but they keep making mediocre-at-best movies. The first two Nolan Batman movies are pretty much universally adored. Then came The Dark Knight Rises...

Then Man of Steel...

Then BvS:Yawn of Justice...

Marvel has a proven track record and while not all of them

Respectfully disagree - the Nolan Batman films were generally well-received by critics and the public.