Peter M. Smith

No, we saw the episode on the front line.

I think the Houston PD and prosecutor’s office had something a little more pressing to deal with, going back to August of last year.

Does this mean Evans will restart his skateboarder-turned-actor career again?

“...for the QB’s collusion case.”

I am a white person, so please use smaller words to articulate yourself. They’re less scary.

That number feels low to me.

The edit nailed it.

None of Phillip K. Dick’s works were listed? I am disappointed.

And yet you were still interested enough to look up the 0-60 times...

Four cars don’t show up for a random traffic stop? You were never in Wheaton, IL in the late 90s.

Never got a ticket for it, but I still like to tell the story:

A nice summer day, I’m sitting at a stop light in my mom’s wagon. Cute blonde in a low-end Mustang drop top pulls up next to me. I look over, give her a smile. Her response was as if she walked through a cloud of skunk spray. My ego slightly bruised, I drop

About the first aid kit: half of the things you mentioned are not found in many kits due to having a limited shelf life. Make sure you’re checking the kits on a regular basis and replacing expired components on an as-needed basis.

Took a cruise, my cabin had this slot as well. I used my expired grocery loyalty card to keep the lights on.

Factorio, Stellaris, Hearts of Iron IV, Civ VI, and Oxygen Not Included all went on the new laptop the day I booted it up.

So that part when Gwen says organic is only about production is...correct? Thanks random Internet rager!

Here’s the only bit of trivia about Back to the Future that matters: the entire franchise took place in the past. The. Entire. Franchise.

Cummins has this on their Signature 600 engine, at least fifteen years back.

I’ve spent too much time in that convention center. The entire north wall is alternating doors and bathrooms, the east wall is not much better.

The good folks at Armalite would like to have a word with you.

The rifle I learned to shoot with was a bolt-action rifle with no magazine. It was neither a musket, nor was it a cannon, nor was it semi-automatic. You loaded a round, closed the bolt, fired, opened the bolt to eject the case, then reached over to the block of wood holding your remaining rounds.