
He could be a generous lover who’s not all toxic and no, I am not Ben Affleck in disguise on a burner account lol. As a fan, I’d give him 6/10.

Jesus Christ. Can we stop judging this work – which feels thoughtful, not over-thought, and considered, not calculated – on our assumptions about its maker? I don’t believe there’s any ‘board meetings’ here, just a woman with the talent and, yes, the contacts and resources to do whatever the fuck she wants, on her own

This deserves a hell of a lot better than a B+.

I also love when he barks “Get out of my chair!” at poor terrified Brittany Murphy.

Well, that escalated quickly.

Britney has also never been a mean or cruel person in public at least, so the constant cruel jokes about her over the past 20+ years seem extra awful because she doesn't punch back. 

I feel worse about Spears than I do about Lohan at this point (the latter has done some truly awful things and I can only defend her for so long), but yeah. We’re fascinated by their downfalls, not willing to interrogate our own roles in them. 

Wrong kid died!

You know who has hands? The Devil. And he uses them to hold things.

I used to be a fan of the Beatles until they started singing songs about love and holding hands.  

Mommy blogging is one massive circle-jerk. 

The bigger mystery to me is, who watches these videos? Who follows these people and wants to listen to basic people spewing basic shit for 45 minutes, which could be condensed into 2 minutes but they stretch it out foreeeeever to get more $$$$?

This ‘family as performance’ shit is angering in ways I cannot reasonably put into words using my mushy quarantine brain.

No gonna lie. This list goes hard

No gonna lie. This list goes hard

so, so many strappy heels

Honestly the Stepford wives look more individual.

Holy Stepford Wives, Batman.

Puerto Rican pasteles are the best, most delicious tamale, but look like ‘brown poop packs,’ according to the non-Puerto Rican that lives with me.


I'm about as far from religious as you can get, but I can't help but think this article title might be a little offensive to some people. Since I highly doubt you guys intended any offense, a re-wording seems in order. Might I suggest a simple "22 Great Songs Featuring Jesus" or something. Not to mention it's pretty