
THIS. Seriously, explaining mansplaining to a mansplainer is exhausting because the perp won’t ever accept info from a woman.

This should be getting more stars...

This is the best comment in *such* a long time.

This falls under Poe’s Law. If real please discuss (because I believe it’s real).

I don’t even see people with curly hair. Just some girls had a blowout that day, others not so much.

THANKS CHUCK TINGLE!!!!!!!! (and SwedishBerries and FluffnStuff for showing me a whole new world...)

I’m a millenial, so you get an A for effort. And a trophy.

I’m #infor that. Definitely.

WHOA! That follicular photo cannot be unseen! That’s 50-shades level right there!

I hope there’s someone out there penning Boris Johnson + Donald Trump erotic hairpiece fanfic. I’d read it.

This is a great vignette about the privilege of a PhD student. You get the privilege of being treated like shit from your superiors (grad students ahead of you in your program, professors), your subordinates (your undergrad students) AND your university administration. You’re in a shit sandwich, with a side of shit.

Second cucumber, with mint butter (butter mixed with chopped mint, it ain’t that fancy) instead of mayonaise. So refreshing.

Unfortunately, even typing “My Humps” to proclaim my abhorrance has infected me with that horrible 2005 virus. The force of that earworm is strong. Too strong.

Huh. Maybe this is why my selfie game sucks. Good work, gumshoe!

Oh, that’s what I should have spent my time doing to “My Humps,” which is in my top 10 of most annoying songs ever. Ever. EVER.

Agreed—she’s done well for herself, overcome a lot. No need to be Kate Moss for this new album.

I thought the same thing...or maybe it is just Kate Moss? All I know is that’s not Fergie.

I’m fairly certain that 50% of “confessionals” are just crappy stories.

Yes. Need more of this.