I thought country music concerts were totally acceptable places to take your children, even breast feeding infants. Huh.
I thought country music concerts were totally acceptable places to take your children, even breast feeding infants. Huh.
I get how it could be a struggle for trans people in transition, but for gay guys? For real? I think we have plenty of options. Maybe just LBTQI.
Ahhh! How exciting/stressful for you. I'm sure you did great, from one southerner to another. Good luck on part two!
Wait, wait. Who is a lawyer and can answer this? If states are required to guarantee the same constitutional rights that the federal gov't recognizes, shouldn't that have an effect on gay marriage bans? Or is this the reasoning being given for all of the bans being struck down in appeals courts lately? Sorry to be off…
God. Scientology really creates douchebags, doesn't it?
I came to this thread expecting to defend Whoopie because she's usually so level headed and sometimes news sites blow things up for clicks but, uh...nope. I mean, I see maybe not expecting someone to hit you back when you hit them first as being silly, but if someone slaps you or something like that (if she even did…
I have trouble remembering not to swear. I figured most people did! It's why I can go to church with my parents when I am home! I also once said c*nt to a really sweet old lady on a train. I didn't even notice I said it until my friend pointed it out.
Uhhh, I'm not even a huge Beyoncé mega fan or anything, but to say she does as little as possible is CRAZY. I wouldn't have gone to their concert if a friend didn't but my ticket, but after seeing her perform, I'm definitely willing to pay to see her in the future.
After seeing their show, I don't think there's truth to the rumors. Not because they acted affectionate on stage, but because no one in their right mind gets on stage in a wedding dress in front of thousands and sings a song about their spouse cheating on them with said spouse a few feet away. I think they both know…
I might be showing my ignorance, but I used to live in the South Pacific and have to wonder what Tonga has to bring to the table, right?
I had a roommate who HATED women. It was fucking weird for a gay dude. He hated for girls to even be in the house. Like they would fuck up his chances to fuck all the time or something.
It can be annoying, but I know people say it to me because they know I'm part of a persecuted minority and they want to convey their support. If someone is really your friend, they will know you aren't *that* gay guy. Hell, my college girl friends always joked around that they wished I could do their hair. Even I joke…
"Sexually active band geeks..."
Are people just stupid? Or just too lazy to shop around? I recently subscribed to cable for the first time in my life. My only reasonable option for internet where I lived was Comcast. I ordered from their website. They have a very clear grid showing their different services and what's included. It took me about 30…
Right?! If I fall asleep in mine, I can't even wear contacts for the next two days. My eyes reject the notion of being fucked with again.
I'm willing to bet since the Enquirer is based in the U.S. and we have pretty stringent free speech laws. The U.K. is a better bet for her to win in court.
Yeah, uh, just seeing the headline on my facebook feed and having recently purchased my own car for the first time (adulthood!), I instantly thought about how stupid it would have been to sell a car that old and hope for something more reliable. I guess maintenance on a Benz might be more, but whatever they got for…
Right? Hell, N.K. is arguably more famous in her own right than her husband!
I was lucky enough that my dad taught me a lot about finances. I guess I've always been a little money-obsessed, too, so that helped. What I don't understand is why we don't teach more important real world knowledge in high school. Like, say, what the fuck an insurance premium and deductible and all that crap is. I…
HRC has supported businesses that actively gave money to support Prop 8 by using them for events. The HRC is just a glorified social club that gives gays an excuse to dress up in black tie and take pictures for instagram.