
It's always different until it's you. Just like my friend who was soooo pro-life until she became pregnant a few months ago and then changed her views. She didn't end up having an abortion, but she's definitely not against them anymore.

I think the problem a lot of people have with calling themselves feminists is that there are so many "feminists" out there who give feminism a bad name. I call myself a feminist, but I always make sure to define it as "I think men and women are equal and should be treated as such" when I say that to someone. It's kind

Because one person in their 20's is an idiot doesn't mean everyone else their age is. Jesus Christ. I used to really enjoy Jez, but over the last year or so , it has gotten fucking ridiculous. Sometimes I even think they are trying to play into the whole "feminists hate men" lie.

I'm pretty sure they live at Kensington Palace. Clarence House is either where their official "office" is or the official office of Prince Charles. Either way, they don't live at Clarence House.

Maaayyybe he is commenting on how other parents don't raise their sons right, not that it's okay.

Uh, I went to MS Boys State, and shit never got THAT REAL. I mean, that was Mississippi. Maybe I just don't remember it well because I was busy trying to find other closeted gay dudes from other towns who I had not been able to meet because of the lack of Grindr at the time. I don't know. What adult lets kids get up

Like everyone else it seems, I'm upset because it sets a petty disturbing precedent. It would be one thing if Facebook made an attempt to ask me if I would participate in a study, but putting it in fine print they know the average user doesn't read doesn't count. They wouldn't even have to tell me what the experiment

I worked as a server for awhile, and I would rather get paid tips than work for what would end up being minimum wage. Realistically no one pays taxes on their cash tips, and I made way more money waiting tables than I did working retail while still working fewer hours.

In this family's defense, I'm from Laurel, and the Leader-Call is a fucking sensationalist joke. Their Facebook page looks like it's ran by a 65 year old tea partier.

I think this article and all the retweets are pretty good evidence of people shitting themselves.

Slut shame much, Jez? They should be able to wear whatever the fuck they want.

THANK YOU. I mean, just the way this whole post was worded was inflammatory. "Men are the problem!" is just as stupid as saying "women are the problem!" The culture people are brought up in is the problem.

Ugh. Cohen would totally wash a white shirt with black socks!

I lived in NYC, but live in NOLA now. There's a lot more vomit here. I actually had a friend admit to me that he threw up in his mouth while standing at the bar, held it there, walked to a nearby stairwell, and just spit it out as he was walking upstairs to go onto the balcony.

Hoyt's mom is the best. She's like every ornery old lady I ever met growing up in the South.

Eh. People appropriate christian symbols all the time. No one cares. I'm not even christian, I'm just saying.

Agreed. My dad is a youth court judge, and the only times he agrees to let someone be tried as an adult is when they are a few months from being 18 anyway and have done something seriously bad.

There's so much pressure to be one or the other. I think because it's just easier that way. I'm, like, 90% gay, but I didn't even realize I was sexually attracted to girls in some capacity until I was older and more comfortable with my sexuality. I still never go after girls. It's just too much trouble. Guys are

My dad doesn't really look like him, but the emotions I felt when I watched his speech were like I was watching my dad do the same thing. Almost like all dads have the same mannerisms or something when they are upset. I think that's what makes it so powerful.

I never really read Deadspin that much, and I'm pretty shocked by the number of "Christians" who think homosexuality is wrong commenting here. TOTES different from Jez or Gawker.