Thar she burns

yyyeaaahhh but at the same time it was the 19th century and that Elephant was gonna get killed anyway. Listen I’m the biggest animal lover there is (I don’t’ even kill spiders) buuutt I am trying to look on the positive side here and think about the fact there was a man in the 19th century woke enough to spend an

Leaking nude photos on the Internet without permission from the subject is a ridiculously cowardly act.

I hope the reception involves them opening one gift, followed by the opening of a vastly better version of the same gift immediately afterwards.

I love Hillary, I voted for her without reservations, I cried when she lost.

THANK YOU. Elizabeth Warren slaps Trump around like the whiny punk he is. Half the people voting for Trump were voting against both Bill and Hillary Clinton. Just the name Clinton makes people angry. There are people wont listen to George Clinton because he shares a name with the Clintons.

If there were a female candidate who had similar credentials as Hillary who didn’t rig the primaries and didn’t have nearly as much of a controversial past, Trump wouldn’t be president.

““But Bernie ...” Shut the fuck up. He lost. People didn’t vote for him then, why would you think they’d vote for him now? You were supposed to move on and do what’s best for the country, not whine your way into a fucking nightmare.”

Umm, this is absolutely Hillary Clinton’s fault. She colluded with the DNC to win the primary by pushing negative stories about Sanders and holding debates during NFL playoff games. She got debate questions in advance because she never answers any questions off the cuff. She never connected with voters but it was ‘her

Let’s not forget: Fuck Hillary Clinton for being such a terrible candidate and odious personality with the worst political instincts since Walter Mondale, making Trump a viable choice for millions of people.

Some do it on feelings.

Eh....I think this is only an issue because oversensitive liberal white folk who can’t use those words don’t understand using words like that to make jokes about yourself or just saying the words in general without censoring ourselves because we can. Remember all the clutched pearls over the president saying ‘nigger’?

You’re making this comment on a site that regularly asks its readers if they would fuck some random dude political/public figure. Usually played for laughs.

He was cleared of all charges.

Definitely not trolling and bracing myself for the potential barrage of name calling to come...

For some reason, Aimee forgot to report the part where Wright had attacked Tostee with rocks several times in the apartment before he made the comments that were recorded? Here is an article explaining the legal principles behind the acquittal:

This is why as a black woman, i sometimes look at white women and say I have nothing in common with these people aside from a vagina.

Betty Shelby is nothing but a low-life thug. Look at her record! She smokes marijuana and has been cited for domestic violence. Was only a matter of time when something like this would happen. Get her off the streets!

I think this is absolutely about his weight. I don’t even understand how that could not be the case.

How embarrassed are you by this post now, Anna? Defending a horribly shoddy piece of journalism in a public forum — bet you'd love to be able to delete this from the interwebs, eh? Jezebel's "writers" sorely lack the skill of critical thinking. Please don't ever attempt an investigative piece. You definitely don't